
Tweeting Merry Christmas did not mean anything. Obama once claimed rural voters (not Americans) "cling to their guns and Bibles" in a pejorative way similar to Hillarys Trump voters are "deplorable".
I was disappointed in Obamas refusal to unify Americans.
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you are disappointed in the guy you hate for not being white, but your boy Trump remains unscathed by your barbs despite spewing hate like old faithful. Look in the mirror once.
I will wait for more of your false equivalency nonsense.
you are disappointed in the guy you hate for not being white, but your boy Trump remains unscathed by your barbs despite spewing hate like old faithful. Look in the mirror once.
I will wait for more of your false equivalency nonsense.
Huh? Is this late-night CNN? You've been drinking the socialist kool-aid too long bruh. The mirror, I hope Dom Lemon, Maxine, Ilhan Omar are proven not to be avatars of Americans and exposed for the liars they are.
If the African American vote makes the final nail in the commies coffin? Bahahaha

The biggest FU in Human History? Donald J Trump 2016- Michael Moore
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Tweeting Merry Christmas did not mean anything. Obama once claimed rural voters (not Americans) "cling to their guns and Bibles" in a pejorative way similar to Hillarys Trump voters are "deplorable".
And he was wrong how? You are willing to give away some gun rights? I will assume that you are not clinging to your religion in that diatribe you posted about the war on Christmas you started.
I was disappointed in Obamas refusal to unify Americans.

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