Voting rights


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2019
I don't know all the details on both parties stance on voting but I do see faults with what I hear coming from both sides.

Dems are wrong.....
First, I am in favor of in-person voting with photo ID for legal residents only (allowing illegals to vote in our elections is just plain nuts!!). I understand the need for absentee voting but only with good reason. (I always thought that was the law, but come to find out it's not difficult to get an absentee ballot.) I understand and agreed with the need to modify voting in '20 due to the covid, but assumed mail in voting, increased absentee voting, and early voting were a one time thing because of the covid scare and the need to avoid crowds.

If we allow any method of voting that does not require a person to show up in person with ID except in specific circumstances, we are opening up the voting process to a greater chance of fraud occurring. I don't like the idea of a person voting in absentia with no proof of who is actually filling out the ballot. I always assumed, maybe mistakenly, that absentee voting was such a small percentage that it did not effect elections. I don't think I would have too much of a problem forging an absentee vote for my two 90s yr old aunts in rest homes. We don't need to make it easier for people to scam the system without in-person voting requirements except in extreme cases.

Reps are wrong....
Reps are resisting measures to make voting easier in urban areas and some rural areas by limiting the number of voting places - resulting in long lines in cities and some rural areas where people have to drive 20 miles to vote. There are urban areas with over 100,000 people with only one voting precinct. I have never had to wait in line and doubt if I would stand in line for a hr or more.

Gerrymandering is obviously a tool for the party in power to maintain control. From what I understand, the redistricting plan in STL county will ensure that 5 of the 6 districts are republican - don't quote me on that, but it's something along those lines. STL precincts are carved up like a jigsaw puzzle and along racial lines.

Reps are wanting complete control of the vote counting and election supervision by the party in control. This definitely needs to be bipartisan - I don't trust either side.

Both sides are making the process too difficult. I don't buy the "voter suppression" cry as a reason to open up mail-in, early, and expanded absentee voting. It's shouldn't be difficult to show up in person with an ID, and not stand in line for hours.
I don't know all the details on both parties stance on voting but I do see faults with what I hear coming from both sides.

Dems are wrong.....
First, I am in favor of in-person voting with photo ID for legal residents only (allowing illegals to vote in our elections is just plain nuts!!). I understand the need for absentee voting but only with good reason. (I always thought that was the law, but come to find out it's not difficult to get an absentee ballot.) I understand and agreed with the need to modify voting in '20 due to the covid, but assumed mail in voting, increased absentee voting, and early voting were a one time thing because of the covid scare and the need to avoid crowds.

If we allow any method of voting that does not require a person to show up in person with ID except in specific circumstances, we are opening up the voting process to a greater chance of fraud occurring. I don't like the idea of a person voting in absentia with no proof of who is actually filling out the ballot. I always assumed, maybe mistakenly, that absentee voting was such a small percentage that it did not effect elections. I don't think I would have too much of a problem forging an absentee vote for my two 90s yr old aunts in rest homes. We don't need to make it easier for people to scam the system without in-person voting requirements except in extreme cases.

Reps are wrong....
Reps are resisting measures to make voting easier in urban areas and some rural areas by limiting the number of voting places - resulting in long lines in cities and some rural areas where people have to drive 20 miles to vote. There are urban areas with over 100,000 people with only one voting precinct. I have never had to wait in line and doubt if I would stand in line for a hr or more.

Gerrymandering is obviously a tool for the party in power to maintain control. From what I understand, the redistricting plan in STL county will ensure that 5 of the 6 districts are republican - don't quote me on that, but it's something along those lines. STL precincts are carved up like a jigsaw puzzle and along racial lines.

Reps are wanting complete control of the vote counting and election supervision by the party in control. This definitely needs to be bipartisan - I don't trust either side.

Both sides are making the process too difficult. I don't buy the "voter suppression" cry as a reason to open up mail-in, early, and expanded absentee voting. It's shouldn't be difficult to show up in person with an ID, and not stand in line for hours.
good lord we pretty much agree on something :)

Its also impossible for county and state officials to carefully count and verify millions of votes on the night of the election. I would make it federal law that no election results could be announced for one week after the election to give poll workers time to do their job and verify counts. Having situations where a candidate is leading at midnight then trailing the next morning looks bad and just leads to people screaming fraud
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good lord we pretty much agree on something :)

Its also impossible for county and state officials to carefully count and verify millions of votes on the night of the election. I would make it federal law that no election results could be announced for one week after the election to give poll workers time to do their job and verify counts. Having situations where a candidate is leading at midnight then trailing the next morning looks bad and just leads to people screaming fraud
Trump saying for months before the election it was suspect is what led people to scream fraud.

Judging from his interview today on NPR he's still feeding that line to his minions.

It's startling really that people believe that with so much evidence saying there was no fraud. Even GOPers now are coming out and saying that no fraud happened.

Trump just got thumped. Sore loser that can't learn from his mistakes.

Not who we want in leadership.
This country needs some new blood in our leadership. We went from Donald Trump to a recycled career politician with shady credentials. We need to do better.
problem is when either party tries to push someone forward they're either corrupt and flawed or the other party digs digs digs and if they can't find anything they invent something.

And we're seeing in America today how easy it is to fool some of the people.
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I don't know all the details on both parties stance on voting but I do see faults with what I hear coming from both sides.

Dems are wrong.....
First, I am in favor of in-person voting with photo ID for legal residents only (allowing illegals to vote in our elections is just plain nuts!!). I understand the need for absentee voting but only with good reason. (I always thought that was the law, but come to find out it's not difficult to get an absentee ballot.) I understand and agreed with the need to modify voting in '20 due to the covid, but assumed mail in voting, increased absentee voting, and early voting were a one time thing because of the covid scare and the need to avoid crowds.

If we allow any method of voting that does not require a person to show up in person with ID except in specific circumstances, we are opening up the voting process to a greater chance of fraud occurring. I don't like the idea of a person voting in absentia with no proof of who is actually filling out the ballot. I always assumed, maybe mistakenly, that absentee voting was such a small percentage that it did not effect elections. I don't think I would have too much of a problem forging an absentee vote for my two 90s yr old aunts in rest homes. We don't need to make it easier for people to scam the system without in-person voting requirements except in extreme cases.

Reps are wrong....
Reps are resisting measures to make voting easier in urban areas and some rural areas by limiting the number of voting places - resulting in long lines in cities and some rural areas where people have to drive 20 miles to vote. There are urban areas with over 100,000 people with only one voting precinct. I have never had to wait in line and doubt if I would stand in line for a hr or more.

Gerrymandering is obviously a tool for the party in power to maintain control. From what I understand, the redistricting plan in STL county will ensure that 5 of the 6 districts are republican - don't quote me on that, but it's something along those lines. STL precincts are carved up like a jigsaw puzzle and along racial lines.

Reps are wanting complete control of the vote counting and election supervision by the party in control. This definitely needs to be bipartisan - I don't trust either side.

Both sides are making the process too difficult. I don't buy the "voter suppression" cry as a reason to open up mail-in, early, and expanded absentee voting. It's shouldn't be difficult to show up in person with an ID, and not stand in line for hours.
Redistrictng should be stopped completely. Why not divide up the state into 4,6 or 8 quadrants kinda like HS sports. Whatever number they choose it should it be divided up in as near to squares as it can be regardless of being the city or country and have noting to do with being dems or pubs. This ain't rocket science!