US Military has been on Alert for a Month


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2015
My step-son is in the National Guard. He's a Navy officer who has gone stateside. His battalion was put on high alert and ships, men,weapons etc..several weeks ago, forgoing normal drills. Many aircraft carriers have been deployed into position for some time. US intelligence quite obviously knew that a attack may occur and quite obviously couldn't prevent Paris Massacre.
I for one thought the alert to be Russian related, but his drills have been upgraded to war-time work such as loading and shipping out defenses for some time.Scary stuff not, particulary for my wife and I who don't want him to see action again.
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I'm not sure I see the connection based on your post. Wouldn't that be a response to a different concern? If you had a warning about an attack on a major city you don't mobilize forces overseas, you warn the nation in question and take measures to lower the risk of the attack such as increased screening of flights and increased surveillance. If you have a warning about your country you don't need to deploy carriers overseas. These seem like responses to a different concern. This is not a reassuring thought.

One of the major things we need to understand out of this is how the intelligence world missed all of the chatter and money.
Obama has been hammered for his foreign policy, but as France an Russia have been attacked by Isis the Pubs are still calling for more troops and to declare war (jeb!) I would think that it would be up to France and Russia to lead the way. This could very well lead to war, but I still think France or Russia should take the lead! Our concentration should be to keep our citizens safe. How you do that during these crazy and scary times I have no idea. .
If France goes to war we go to war. Kind of what NATO is all about
We've been bombing and droning people non stop. I'm pretty sure we've been at war since 9/11. Not always in the right places but still trying to take out the bad guys, some of which we created by going into Iraq. Anybody who says Obama hasn't been aggressive in this just ain't payin attention.
As someone put it the other day, there have been over 6,000 airstrikes in Syria. We've done 80% of them so far. France had something like 4 missions before now. 4.

It is time for our allies to step up, including our regional allies. The Saudis, UAE, etc. are more focused on stopping non-radical Shia in Yemen. That is a real problem.

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