Urban Meyer. Terrible man


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
He announces retirement right before osu releases all the documents on the wife beating assistant coach. Turns out meyer is in the messages and osu knew it.
Let's burn him. Everything in his life prior to the incident and after his lie should be condemned. Tear down his statues and pictures and vacate all his wins. He's A Liar! Sanction the OSU football team, fire the president and AD. Bring Urban up on criminal charges! Liar!
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Let's burn him. Everything in his life prior to the incident and after his lie should be condemned. Tear down his statues and pictures and vacate all his wins. He's A Liar! Sanction the OSU football team, fire the president and AD. Bring Urban up on criminal charges! Liar!
I can promise you he is not "retired" and will "try" to coach again. Its a pattern with this guy. He is scum.
Not a fan of him at all but he does have some pretty serious health issues, something about a tumor in his skull causing severe headaches so he could actually retire for good
I find it sad that if the NCAA does place punishments on OSU for his actions it punishes the players as well. Conference titles, bowl games, vacating wins etc. The players weren't involved in this mess he did (I havent heard anything at least), just a shame they will pay part of his punishment. I dont see him coaching again. Not only his health issues but Im not sure any university would hire him. Shame because he was a winning coach.

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