Must be why fat Donnie is sabotaging the mail serviceAbsentee ballot/mail in ballot is a ballot you request so you don't have to vote in person.You do need to show somethings to prove who you are.
Vote by mail ballots which the Dems are pushing are ballots mailed throughout the USA for every registered voter without checking if you are dead or alive or still live at that address
What percentage is higher:You have gone from attempting witty one-liners to a full fledged BS artist who just repeats Trump talking points. “Throughout the USA”? No. Each state controls their own voting methods. AZ, Wa, Colorado, Utah have not had issues. The dead or alive urban legend is as old as the hills. Pathetic.
Have you had your daily dose of Lysol and Hydroxy today?You guys are stupid enough to believe what Team Nancy is floating around
The whole world is in on a covid hoax to get rid of tr ump.You guys are stupid enough to believe what Team Nancy is floating around
Red stripe and Appleton Rum.Feeling a little Jamaican today.Getting ready to jam on some Bob MarleyHave you had your daily dose of Lysol and Hydroxy today?
Just got an email from my sister in Atlanta today telling us her school teacher daughter has tested positive for covid and has some symptoms. Not bad yet but she is scared of what it could be like. Her, her husband and two boys are quarantined now but my sister who is 64 had just been to visit them a few days ago so she's little worried too. They live about an hour form Atlanta and have already started school. My daughter is a teacher here in P.B. which is about to open the doors and already having all kinds of group meetings. One of her boys is in the school where she teaches, the other in middle school. It all makes me a little nervous too.did who make it mandatory? Georgia? Hell, that Gov made it illegal for a county to have a mask mandate and then tried to sue the mayor of Atlanta to get her to stop protecting her citizens.
Hope things turn out well for all involved. I have a daughter who teaches and Grandkids gearing up for a 8-24 start. I don't care who thinks it's a hoax or the flu. It scares me. Guess I'm one of those snowflakesJust got an email from my sister in Atlanta today telling us her school teacher daughter has tested positive for covid and has some symptoms. Not bad yet but she is scared of what it could be like. Her, her husband and two boys are quarantined now but my sister who is 64 had just been to visit them a few days ago so she's little worried too. They live about an hour form Atlanta and have already started school. My daughter is a teacher here in P.B. which is about to open the doors and already having all kinds of group meetings. One of her boys is in the school where she teaches, the other in middle school. It all makes me a little nervous too.
I hope it all goes off well but I'm calling by end of september it's all shut down. Labor day weekend will do us in.Hope things turn out well for all involved. I have a daughter who teaches and Grandkids gearing up for a 8-24 start. I don't care who thinks it's a hoax or the flu. It scares me. Guess I'm one of those snowflakes
I would think all these illegal scenario's you mentioned would be right up your cheating parties ally. You scared someone might out cheat you.If I get a mail in ballot and mail it in, why can't I vote in person too? Then I vote for my dead brother with his mail in ballot. Then I get my grandmas ballot at the nursing home and vote for her since she has dementia. I also could pay about 10 bucks apiece and get a dozen more from guys at work who couldn't care less about voting.
This mail in voting sounds GREAT .
Yes this has been going on all along in states where mail in voting takes place. No evidence whatsoever to support your stupid allegations, just like the President. Can't wait to see Kobach's report on voter fraud. Oh wait. Nevermind.If I organize an army of like minded people who go around to liberal strongholds an drop matches into drop boxes for ballots, how do we know who those people voted for?
What could possibly go wrong?
Voting in person might be that way for a reason.
How would you know if ANY cheating was happening if not confessed? What would a study look at to show it was happening? Of course there isn't any evidence it is happening!
Didnt kobach do an investigation? Where are the findings?You repubs need to give this voter fraud crap a rest. Your party cheated, along with the russians, during the last election. It's like complaining about dems lying when trump lies every other sentence. You're making yourself look bad.
OMG All Trump does is cry and have pity parties. Kamala is sooooo mean boo hoo she so angry boo hoo , why don't people like me boo hoo and on and onYeah right the Republicans are really looking bad the Democrats are the ones that are crying poor pity party