Trump takes a stand


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2002
He said yesterday when he is Prez. all stores will be saying "MERRY CHRISTMAS".
He got a huge cheer in Iowa where Carson currently leads. What is wrong with those people?
Also, he is not going to MAKE anybody say Merry Christmas ,

He is saying people will be ALLOWED to say what they mean.
If that's what he meant it sure wasn't what he said. No president that I know of has ever told anybody in any store NOT to say Merry Christmas. That decision is made by ownership based on what they think is best for their business. I, like you, think they are pandering to avery small minority in this country but they have done it anyway so I guess they think it will cost them at register if they allow their employees to say it.
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If that's what he meant it sure wasn't what he said. No president that I know of has ever told anybody in any store NOT to say Merry Christmas. That decision is made by ownership based on what they think is best for their business. I, like you, think they are pandering to avery small minority in this country but they have done it anyway so I guess they think it will cost them at register if they allow their employees to say it.

If the checker say's "Merry Christmas" they could offend 1 out of 4. If the checker say's "Happy Holiday's" math again predicts they could offend 3 out of 4.(my stats are fictitious) However, the 1 that claims offense will make headline news and it'll be a big black-eye scandal. The business will be accused of exclusion and pandering to Christians over all other religions. They will be painted as insensitive and they"ll get a public lesson on tolerance for all people. Perhaps the person offended is an angry gay athiest. Oh no, all heck will break loose. Should an athiest be celebrating Christmas? I wouldn't get offended if Muslim's kneeled and prayed at the local Kum-n-Go. PC is out of control, but that doesn't really matter. I wonder how many Christians don't go the corner liquor store for liquor because the store front reads Happy Holidays!

I agree that businesses should greet with the secular greeting because there are non christian patrons, because it's their policy. ( it's a $ policy) All of the customers can be purple but their money is green. You can't treat people poorly and expect to be blessed.

Over the past several years I have had Jehovah's Witnesses knock and proselytizing at my door. I noticed the JW's are genuinely good mannered nice folks. I like their message. As a boy, I remember the perception these folks as fruit-cakes. Shunned by average Christians lol. I could be wrong, but I think their organization has made a concerted effort to change the publics perception to one that would be pleasing to God (and to draw recruits). More than twice I've walked away thinking, yeah, I'd like to have the spirit they enjoy.

To me, this is what Christians should do. Be an example to others and show through their behavior, a happy quality of kindness and live what it means to be Christ-like. I don't agree with Christians like the lady at the DMV that grandstanded by not issuing the gay couples a marriage license because it was against her religious beliefs. She would have done much more good, had she acted out what is really taught in New Testament scripture. We all know a lot of unhappy angry people that claim to be Christians. ( like ole Huck). You don't overcome evil by being evil.

Do you eat a Chic-fil-a on Sunday? No, if you try you'll be ordering an air sandwich with wind sauce. I'm offended that I can't get my favorite sandwich on Sunday.
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If you're offended by "Happy Holidays," are you really any different than those who are offended by "Merry Christmas?"
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If the checker say's "Merry Christmas" they could offend 1 out of 4. If the checker say's "Happy Holiday's" math again predicts they could offend 3 out of 4.(my stats are fictitious) However, the 1 that claims offense will make headline news and it'll be a big black-eye scandal. The business will be accused of exclusion and pandering to Christians over all other religions. They will be painted as insensitive and they"ll get a public lesson on tolerance for all people. Perhaps the person offended is an angry gay athiest. Oh no, all heck will break loose. Should an athiest be celebrating Christmas? I wouldn't get offended if Muslim's kneeled and prayed at the local Kum-n-Go. PC is out of control, but that doesn't really matter. I wonder how many Christians don't go the corner liquor store for liquor because the store front reads Happy Holidays!

I agree that businesses should greet with the secular greeting because there are non christian patrons, because it's their policy. ( it's a $ policy) All of the customers can be purple but their money is green. You can't treat people poorly and expect to be blessed.

Over the past several years I have had Jehovah's Witnesses knock and proselytizing at my door. I noticed the JW's are genuinely good mannered nice folks. I like their message. As a boy, I remember the perception these folks as fruit-cakes. Shunned by average Christians lol. I could be wrong, but I think their organization has made a concerted effort to change the publics perception to one that would be pleasing to God (and to draw recruits). More than twice I've walked away thinking, yeah, I'd like to have the spirit they enjoy.

To me, this is what Christians should do. Be an example to others and show through their behavior, a happy quality of kindness and live what it means to be Christ-like. I don't agree with Christians like the lady at the DMV that grandstanded by not issuing the gay couples a marriage license because it was against her religious beliefs. She would have done much more good, had she acted out what is really taught in New Testament scripture. We all know a lot of unhappy angry people that claim to be Christians. ( like ole Huck). You don't overcome evil by being evil.

Do you eat a Chic-fil-a on Sunday? No, if you try you'll be ordering an air sandwich with wind sauce. I'm offended that I can't get my favorite sandwich on Sunday.
I'd bet the number is much less than 1 out of 4, probably more like 1 out of 100. You are correct that what ever that number is the 1 will get the most attention.

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