To Be Clear:IG Report on spying or Ilegal Surveilence


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2019
The mainstream media has been lying about everything, not exactly a man bites dog story.

Fake stories collapsed with the IG testimony statement in front of the Senate yesterday.

MSM has been telling us for months that there was no problem with Russia Investigation, no spying and even if there was spying it’s OK.

The past few days the MSM has reported IG report vindicated James Comey, FBI officials others caught spying on the Trump campaign.

The words of the Inspector General in regard to this question.

Did the Obama Administration Spy on the Trump Campaign?

LG- Was there a point when the FBI Surveiling Carter Page became unlawful? IG I will let the courts decide that.

LG- If you keep surveilling people when you don’t have the foundation is this bad? IG Absolutely

LG Is that spying? IG it’s illegal surveilence
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Mr. Zodiac Ted Cruz- if any ordinary citizen did this, fabricated evidence, and by the way what he inserted was just not slightly wrong, it was 180 degrees opposite of the evidence said, so the intelligence agencies did not read this guy "is a source" and it was changed to " he is not a source.
would he be considered for perjury, obstruction of justice, fabricating evidence? IG (Basically) he deferred ( you can look up the answer)
Because he plays an impartial role

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