1. Girls and boys got their own state tournament weekend.
So you are basically treating girls and second class by saying they are not good enough to play at same time as boys...Maybe I'm wrong, but I'd venture a guess most fans would prefer to watch boys over girls.
2. Opened up gym space especially for the smaller schools.
There are plenty of places to play games in the state. This is a non-issue...He's talking about practice time at schools. Less late/early practice times if the seasons are staggered.
3. Best Officials did the State Finals
Not sure how separating boys and girls gives you better refs than today’s format....Because the games are spread out over more days, meaning the number of officials needed to cover the games lessen. Meaning you don't have to go as deep in the officials pool to cover the games.
4. Gave the girls teams the chance to play on Friday nights before the boys started.
Girls teams play on Friday night all the time in Missouri....In small schools (where they play a lot of V girls followed by V boys) yes, in larger schools no.