This is just brutal!

Both of these guys are idiots! Neither answer the question. Trump just talks about how he was the best ever and Biden just talk about trump. Neither will answer the question with what their plan is and how they’re going to change the items. How in the world are these two idiots in the position to hold the highest office of power in the US?
Both of these guys are idiots! Neither answer the question. Trump just talks about how he was the best ever and Biden just talk about trump. Neither will answer the question with what their plan is and how they’re going to change the items. How in the world are these two idiots in the position to hold the highest office of power in the US?
Biden has no clue what’s going on. Can’t even make a sentence.
Biden has done a disservice to our nation by staying in. Any of us could have destroyed Trump in this debate by calling out his lies. Biden stuttered around and embarrassed himself.

Also, Trump opened up a firehouse of lies and Tapper and Bash did zero fact checking or follow up. They should be shamed. It was just a Trump speech vs the bumbler.

The only hope is a Trump incarceration. Because Biden cannot recover from this abortion.
First Ruth Bader Ginsburg screwed over progressives by not stepping down when she was old, sick and Dems controlled the senate. Now Biden has screwed over his own party and his country by trying to stay in power into his 80’s. Enough of the old people. Good grief.
It was a blood bath.

Biden lost the election last night. He never should have ran again in the first place. I blame the DNC. Nobody else wanted him.
Biden lost the election last night. He never should have ran again in the first place. I blame the DNC. Nobody else wanted him.
I think Trump won the election during the first 2 seconds Biden was on camera. He looked older than ever. The people blaming him for running again are wrong; the democratic party is to blame for making him the nominee. About 2 years into his presidency, they should have came up with another candidate. If they ran a moderate about 50 years old, it would have been a landslide.
It’s too late now. Biden could have dropped out 6 months ago and he would have been a hero. He just threw his legacy down the toilet.

Even if he decides this weekend to drop out, there is no way this country is going to allow a black woman to be president before a white woman. So unless Biden and Harris both say they won’t run, the Dems are in a horrible spot.
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...Even if he decides this weekend to drop out, there is no way this country is going to allow a black woman to be president before a white woman...
America "allowed" a black woman to be a president before a white woman when they voted for DEI selection Harris as VP on the Dem ticket, at that point she is a heartbeat away from being POTUS.

Racism is not the reason that the Dems are in this horrible spot. Kamala is just not a good candidate for the Presidency. She proved that with her primary run.

Dr. Jill could put an end to this farce but she shows no signs of wanting to give up the reins.
Did I hear this right last night?

Did the bumbling idiot take a question about abortion-his huge advantage and answer by switching to a murder by an illegal—his weakness. Un freakin believable.
Wow, all of a sudden Bidens legacy is tarnished! It took last nights performance for the libs to realize they supported a guy that had no business being leader of the free world? The sheep are awake lol, what a joke
Wow, all of a sudden Bidens legacy is tarnished! It took last nights performance for the libs to realize they supported a guy that had no business being leader of the free world? The sheep are awake lol, what a joke
67% of Americans don't want either candidate, What's the big surprise?
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I did not finish it yet. Biden needs to step down before the convention and let the convention choose a candidate.
Oh boy, one minute you're ready to send quid pro joe out to pasture, now you're making excuses for his ineptitude. Get a grip
You get a grip, mofo. Both things can be true. Biden needs to step down, but dumb arses like you need to recognize Trump’s avalanche of lies technique which has already conquered a major party.

You are the one who supports a felon who is going to destroy our government and continue to make it cool to be ignorant and hate people based on skin color, nationality or sexuality. I hope you live a long life so you can see how horribly wrong you are.
You get a grip, mofo. Both things can be true. Biden needs to step down, but dumb arses like you need to recognize Trump’s avalanche of lies technique which has already conquered a major party.

You are the one who supports a felon who is going to destroy our government and continue to make it cool to be ignorant and hate people based on skin color, nationality or sexuality. I hope you live a long life so you can see how horribly wrong you are.
A consortium of lies has proven better than what the democrats are willing to offer. It shouldn’t even be close and they throw Biden up there. Hopefully people finally see all the news is fake and they were all propping Biden up. He sharp as a tack off screen? They were only fooling the sheep and now the cover up can be seen. I used to think the pundits on these news shows were in on the scam but after seeing the distress they are just being used. Van Jones was almost in tears right after the debate. There was real panic and you could see they felt betrayed they had been lied to about Biden’s cognitive abilities. How anyone could trust the democrats after this is beyond me but sheep will be sheep.
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A consortium of lies has proven better than what the democrats are willing to offer. It shouldn’t even be close and they throw Biden up there. Hopefully people finally see all the news is fake and they were all propping Biden up. He sharp as a tack off screen? They were only fooling the sheep and now the cover up can be seen. I used to think the pundits on these news shows were in on the scam but after seeing the distress they are just being used. Van Jones was almost in tears right after the debate. There was real panic and you could see they felt betrayed they had been lied to about Biden’s cognitive abilities. How anyone could trust the democrats after this is beyond me but sheep will be sheep.
It’s not about trusting the democrats, it’s about saving our country and world wide democracy from someone who is in bed with Putin, who plans to control every aspect of our lives with his 2025 master plan and is a one man crime spree who thinks he is immune from prosecution.
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A consortium of lies has proven better than what the democrats are willing to offer. It shouldn’t even be close and they throw Biden up there. Hopefully people finally see all the news is fake and they were all propping Biden up. He sharp as a tack off screen? They were only fooling the sheep and now the cover up can be seen. I used to think the pundits on these news shows were in on the scam but after seeing the distress they are just being used. Van Jones was almost in tears right after the debate. There was real panic and you could see they felt betrayed they had been lied to about Biden’s cognitive abilities. How anyone could trust the democrats after this is beyond me but sheep will be sheep.
he looked a lot better the next day.

I think if the dems run Whitmer and Newsome the GOP has no answer.
It’s not about trusting the democrats, it’s about saving our country and world wide democracy from someone who is in bed with Putin, who plans to control every aspect of our lives with his 2025 master plan and is a one man crime spree who thinks he is immune from prosecution.

Thanks for the laugh. Make sure to adjust your tin foil hat 👽
It’s not about trusting the democrats, it’s about saving our country and world wide democracy from someone who is in bed with Putin, who plans to control every aspect of our lives with his 2025 master plan and is a one man crime spree who thinks he is immune from prosecution.
My gosh man how much fear do you live in? No president regardless of party if going to do as you say will happen.
It’s not about trusting the democrats, it’s about saving our country and world wide democracy from someone who is in bed with Putin, who plans to control every aspect of our lives with his 2025 master plan and is a one man crime spree who thinks he is immune from prosecution.
Keep lapping it up. The fake process used by the so called democrat party to prop up a senile old man with obvious lies that can now be seen by everyone has done nothing to open your eyes. I’m stunned really by the extent of your TDS. If it wasn’t Trump would you still feel the same way? Trump didnt “steal and destroy our democracy” his first term. Why now? What’s different in our government that would allow him to just take over?
My God, the gall you have!! The Lying King Donald absolutely tried to destroy our democratic election process and steal the election. He declared months before the election that the only two options were that he won or it was a rigged election, the same unfounded prediction he is already repeating for the upcoming election, despite no fraud ever being discovered. The Georgia phone call pleading to find him 11,780 more votes. The fake electors. So called rigged Dominion machines. Rallying his troops of patriotic Proud Boys skinheads to DC on certification day. Pressuring Pence to not accept the certified states votes. Thank God Pence had the integrity to say no.

What's different is the Republican and Trump hand picked Supreme Court majority will decide if the POTUS is immune from criminal prosecution. It's scary to think what Trump might do in office if he is immune from criminal prosecution.
he looked a lot better the next day.

I think if the dems run Whitmer and Newsome the GOP has no answer.
I can’t tell if the first statement is sarcasm or not. I thought he looked better at the rally afterward when he was all fired up because his meds finally kicked in. I loved his wife comment of Good job Joe, you answered all the questions! Like he was some kind of child.
My God, the gall you have!! The Lying King Donald absolutely tried to destroy our democratic election process and steal the election. He declared months before the election that the only two options were that he won or it was a rigged election, the same unfounded prediction he is already repeating for the upcoming election, despite no fraud ever being discovered. The Georgia phone call pleading to find him 11,780 more votes. The fake electors. So called rigged Dominion machines. Rallying his troops of patriotic Proud Boys skinheads to DC on certification day. Pressuring Pence to not accept the certified states votes. Thank God Pence had the integrity to say no.

What's different is the Republican and Trump hand picked Supreme Court majority will decide if the POTUS is immune from criminal prosecution. It's scary to think what Trump might do in office if he is immune from criminal prosecution.
It did it work? He succeeded? Or he left office and there was no civil war? Maybe I missed something. Joe is president but I guess this time Trump takes over the country forever? I’m not seeing it. Not to mention he’s far from the first president to have alternate electors on hand. Seems like the system is working as well as it can.
It did it work? He succeeded? Or he left office and there was no civil war? Maybe I missed something. Joe is president but I guess this time Trump takes over the country forever? I’m not seeing it. Not to mention he’s far from the first president to have alternate electors on hand. Seems like the system is working as well as it can.
That's why Trump wants immunity as president and exactly why no one should be immune from prosecution. And Trump has a stacked SCOTUS to pull it off. That's scary!!!
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The only way we can return this country to a decent normal is for Dems to win the house, senate and WH then add four judges to the court. We need a balanced court, not a liberal or conservative court. Codify Roe v Wade with reasonable limits. Raise taxes on the rich and get back to a reasonable level of income inequality. Then we need the gop to return to their roots, take back 1/2 of Congress and start passing bipartisan laws.
The only way we can return this country to a decent normal is for Dems to win the house, senate and WH then add four judges to the court. We need a balanced court, not a liberal or conservative court. Codify Roe v Wade with reasonable limits. Raise taxes on the rich and get back to a reasonable level of income inequality. Then we need the gop to return to their roots, take back 1/2 of Congress and start passing bipartisan laws.

Consider checking your meds

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