How is Trump suppose to control the individual actions of the populace or even the decisions the State gov. (10th amd.) of the U.S. ?We have a unique form of gov. that isn't a fascist dictatorship.....on one hand you call Trump a fascist for being to controlling and on the other hand he follows the letter of the law and let's local and state gov. set policy and enforce them.
Clearly the Local and State gov. have failed in the area with a lot of C19 deaths.....The Fed's are not suppose to Molly Cuddle and do for them.
What you don't understand is that Many Americans don't really give a Darn about the C19 they want to live their lives and are willing to take the Risks to live Free!!!
I get it many of you are afraid, worried and overwhelmed by the thought of C19.......Fortunately for many true Americans who love Liberty over life the Republic is moving on. The Rest of you will just of to adjust to the fact the Federal gov. and even state gov. cannot control the actions of the Masses who won't have their rights infringed upon.