The Jacob Blake case


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
According to the media and the democrats, Jacob Blake was an unarmed black man. We don't know if he was armed it's still under dispute. The story from the media and put forward by Benjamin Crump his attorney is that he was at some domestic dispute breaking it up.

A wonderful good samaritan Jacob Blake, police started following him and shot him.

Well, there are some problems with that story. The Democrats immediately bought into it. yET, THIS was more evidence of systemic American racism.

JOe Biden said this. KAmala HArRis said this. We heard it from Governor Tony Evers that this is systemic racism.

We heard this is the evil cops and this was just an innocent man trying to break up a bad situation and was wrongly pursued and was shot by the cops for no reason.

Yet a second angle of the footage has emerged, And this not exactly what we are told. That did not stop the media and the democrats from treating this case as another example of evil American systemic racism.

It also turns out there was an arrest warrant on Blake.

Blake had been charged with sexual assault, trespassing, and disorderly conduct in connection with domestic abuse.

So just leave him in the car with 3 children while there's an open warrant on him for sexual assault and domestic abuse.

If you're irresponsible you continue to push this was a racist shooting. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT JOE BIDEN DID. See the results of this crap.

Meanwhile Kenosha burns.
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According to the media and the democrats, Jacob Blake was an unarmed black man. We don't know if he was armed it's still under dispute. The story from the media and put forward by Benjamin Crump his attorney is that he was at some domestic dispute breaking it up.

A wonderful good samaritan Jacob Blake, police started following him and shot him.

Well, there are some problems with that story. The Democrats immediately bought into it. yET, THIS was more evidence of systemic American racism.

JOe Biden said this. KAmala HArRis said this. We heard it from Governor Tony Evers that this is systemic racism.

We heard this is the evil cops and this was just an innocent man trying to break up a bad situation and was wrongly pursued and was shot by the cops for no reason.

Yet a second angle of the footage has emerged, And this not exactly what we are told. That did not stop the media and the democrats from treating this case as another example of evil American systemic racism.

It also turns out there was an arrest warrant on Blake.

Blake had been charged with sexual assault, trespassing, and disorderly conduct in connection with domestic abuse.

So just leave him in the car with 3 children while there's an open warrant on him for sexual assault and domestic abuse.

If you're irresponsible you continue to push this was a racist shooting. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT JOE BIDEN DID. See the results of this crap.

Meanwhile Kenosha burns.
I waiting on moscow to start burning
Black Lives Matter is large, mainstream, and powerful. The media and the Democratic Party have enabled Black Lives Matter to become the most dangerous extremist group in America.
No the law and order president has created an environment that allows the feelings to fester to a point where BLM can become so large and mainstream. It's on him and you.
Expect2loser is a liar and a bigot.

He's pretending black people are not law-abiding citizens and have no personal agency to make decisions.
LOL you are really having a bad week.
Did Melania hurt your feelings last night?
You are lashing out, and really struggling.
I'll own bigot. I am becoming less and less tolerant of some of those on the right who are so holier than thou (ie. you). I will own that.
Liar, nope, and I have never been one. I have earned a reputation for being honest and trustworthy. I pride myself on telling the truth as I know it no matter the consequences.
As for pretending anyone can not be a law-abiding citizen is laughable. Everyone has the capacity to be law-abiding, but when they become oppressed long enough, anyone can snap. Just like you have done today.
At the risk of being politically incorrect, I always pause when I hear the "resisting arrest" charge. We haven't seen the footage of resisting arrest (nor did I ever see the George Floyd resisting footage). My understanding of the law - once the suspect resists arrest, which the police has sole discretion over what constitutes resisting arrest, the police have the legal authority to use reasonable force to subdue the suspect. What was the extent of Jacob Blake's resisting? And if it did warrant the use of force, then why wasn't Jacob Blake being tackled and subdued while he slowly walked all the way around the car to the other side? Police mistake #1. Then Jacob Blake reached the door, he either attempted to get in or allegedly reached for a knife. On officer said "Drop the knife" twice. At that point the policeman's life is in danger and he has the legal authority to shoot the suspect. However, the officer was in a position where he could have popped him in the ass with one or two rounds. Seven shots point blank in the back from behind...well, I have a problem with that, too. I get it - it's a split second judgement call - but that cop was trigger happy.
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At the risk of being politically incorrect, I always pause when I hear the "resisting arrest" charge. We haven't seen the footage of resisting arrest (nor did I ever see the George Floyd resisting footage). My understanding of the law - once the suspect resists arrest, which the police has sole discretion over what constitutes resisting arrest, the police have the legal authority to use reasonable force to subdue the suspect. What was the extent of Jacob Blake's resisting? And if it did warrant the use of force, then why wasn't Jacob Blake being tackled and subdued while he slowly walked all the way around the car to the other side? Police mistake #1. Then Jacob Blake reached the door, he either attempted to get in or allegedly reached for a knife. On officer said "Drop the knife" twice. At that point the policeman's life is in danger and he has the legal authority to shoot the suspect. However, the officer was in a position where he could have popped him in the ass with one or two rounds. Seven shots point blank in the back from behind...well, I have a problem with that, too. I get it - it's a split second judgement call - but that cop was trigger happy.
Makes sense. Unless your life is on the line. But this a good argument.

The police were called by a person of color from within the residence where the shooting happened.

Jacob had stolen car keys from someone in the home. He was not supposed to be there. The police knew his record of violence.

What's not a good thing, is how our leaders did not wait until the facts developed before saying the worst possible things to make matters worse.

If you want to make the case this too much force, then we have a legal system.

We now have a whole spate of criminal black men shot by police that have been martyred when the shootings were justified. The truth is not important, it's the narrative that's important.

Mob Justice or Social Justice is not justice. Only individual justice is justice.

The evidence for irresponsible statements by the Governor, Biden, and the rest of our media is inexcusable.
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Obama family costs taxpayers $1.4 Billion a year(thats 20 times more expensive than the British Royal Family)

Just an interesting tidbit
No the law and order president has created an environment that allows the feelings to fester to a point where BLM can become so large and mainstream. It's on him and you.

Wrong....the Demcommines have weaponized BLM...the President is trying to stop it.
LOL you are really having a bad week.
Did Melania hurt your feelings last night?
You are lashing out, and really struggling.
I'll own bigot. I am becoming less and less tolerant of some of those on the right who are so holier than thou (ie. you). I will own that.
Liar, nope, and I have never been one. I have earned a reputation for being honest and trustworthy. I pride myself on telling the truth as I know it no matter the consequences.
As for pretending anyone can not be a law-abiding citizen is laughable. Everyone has the capacity to be law-abiding, but when they become oppressed long enough, anyone can snap. Just like you have done today.

Nobody is oppressed....that is the Lie right there. If Minorities where oppressed then none of them would ever become politicians, Celebrities, Corporate executives,go to college, become wealthy or even have a voice or say. People with poor character, lack of moral values, and no work ethic tend to not achieve at a high level and then lash out to blame other for their own lack of ability or fortitude to succeed. They are vile human beings....but even worse are the co-dependent who help spread the lie of systematic oppression to excuse them from actually being responsible for their own actions and lives.
At the risk of being politically incorrect, I always pause when I hear the "resisting arrest" charge. We haven't seen the footage of resisting arrest (nor did I ever see the George Floyd resisting footage). My understanding of the law - once the suspect resists arrest, which the police has sole discretion over what constitutes resisting arrest, the police have the legal authority to use reasonable force to subdue the suspect. What was the extent of Jacob Blake's resisting? And if it did warrant the use of force, then why wasn't Jacob Blake being tackled and subdued while he slowly walked all the way around the car to the other side? Police mistake #1. Then Jacob Blake reached the door, he either attempted to get in or allegedly reached for a knife. On officer said "Drop the knife" twice. At that point the policeman's life is in danger and he has the legal authority to shoot the suspect. However, the officer was in a position where he could have popped him in the ass with one or two rounds. Seven shots point blank in the back from behind...well, I have a problem with that, too. I get it - it's a split second judgement call - but that cop was trigger happy.

Police are never taught to shoot to disable....they shoot center mass to kill.Do some research on why this is the case. You clearly have watched to many movies...The cop clearly was being to patient with the suspect. But once he went to his vehicle and could get to a weapon or turn his car into a weapon then shooting him was the best option.

Citizens must
Submit to police force....when you don't it is resisting. LEO do not have to get into physical altercations with suspects when they don't follow commands and the officers deem the situation dangerous.

LEO are not required to be physically abused, maimed or shot in a effort to protect people who are engaging in criminal behavior.

Did you not see the body cam footage of GF forcing his way out of the Police Vehicle?? Or him falling to the Ground on purpose?
Change their training. Good grief. If someone points a gun at you, unload your magazine. But if he doesn’t have a gun......,don’t shoot him in the back 7 times.

He could be obtaining a weapon. Clearly he wasn't following Police commands. He had a warrant for violent behavior. Cops shouldn't be under any obligation to wait and see if they are being attacked. Cops should always be on Offense not Defense. Let those idiots who don't submit suffer the consequences and let those consequences be harsh and extreme. The more that happens the less resisting will occur.
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Incongruously, Pence warns "you won't be safe in Joe Biden's America" — but then demands the current violence "must STOP."

The VP himself is actually a good metaphor for the RNC overall, both simply pretending the surrounding chaos doesn't exist.

The chaos would stop if the Demo's would actually allow Trump to stop it....OF course they can't stop it because they are complicit with it.....
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Police are never taught to shoot to disable....they shoot center mass to kill.Do some research on why this is the case. You clearly have watched to many movies...The cop clearly was being to patient with the suspect. But once he went to his vehicle and could get to a weapon or turn his car into a weapon then shooting him was the best option.

I clearly stated that police are trained to shoot at the torso, and not to wound.
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Nobody is oppressed....that is the Lie right there. If Minorities where oppressed then none of them would ever become politicians, Celebrities, Corporate executives,go to college, become wealthy or even have a voice or say. People with poor character, lack of moral values, and no work ethic tend to not achieve at a high level and then lash out to blame other for their own lack of ability or fortitude to succeed. They are vile human beings....but even worse are the co-dependent who help spread the lie of systematic oppression to excuse them from actually being responsible for their own actions and lives.
Vile human beings. The hatred coming out the posts the last 24 hours is ridiculous. I wish all of you the best of luck finding some inner peace and kindness towards all human beings.
Kamala Harris: "It’s no wonder people are taking to the streets. And I support them. We must always defend peaceful protests and peaceful protestors. We should not confuse them with those looting and committing acts of violence, including the shooter who was arrested for murder. "

wow. This can’t be right. It doesn’t match Dumstancefix’s daily lies.

She's a liar, peaceful protestors? The footage in Wisconsin is clear.

The anecdotal narrative of the original story has fallen apart.

All of the rioters should go home. Yet it continues.

If only the Democrats would've told the truth in the Michael Brown case, BLM would not be this terrible.

The Demonuts are softening a little now after seeing the disapproval polls.
Change their training. Good grief. If someone points a gun at you, unload your magazine. But if he doesn’t have a gun......,don’t shoot him in the back 7 times.

The Beltway mass murderers in Ohio were taken alive. They surrendered.

Dylan Roof, a mass murderer was taken alive. He surrendered.

Are there criminals that are shot after surrendering? Are they black? Show me BLM.

Surrender after being ordered to stop, don't resist arrest.

Don't beat your GF, and steal her keys, and don't be a felon with an active arrest warrant.

Don't be a domestic abuser.

Don't reach for a weapon, or possibly drive away with kids in the car, while being a sexual assaulter.
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The protestors are filled with hatred, envy and aggression and they only want to destroy. They are looking for any excuse to act on this. Kamala and Joe are POS.
Donald Trump’s America is full of death, violence, hatred and despair.

Joe Biden offers hope for a brighter future for ALL Americans. Even stupid ones like you.
I liked the real nun that spoke at the RNC last night.

Contrast this with the phony nun at DNC. I will take her word for it. Not an angry dolt like you.
Alleged. He hasn’t been convicted nor received the death penalty. Terrible police work and you still rationalize it all.

The cop tried to tase him.

This is a textbook example of a non-prosecutable shooting by a police officer.

Resist arrest, reach for a knife the cops can't see. Bingo gets shot.
Real nun vs fake nun. Bahahahahaha
A knife the cops can’t see. Bahahahahaha
Invisible knives are a true danger.

A knife or gun or a weapon that is hidden under the seat dolt.

You need to have "the talk" with your kids about reaching in the glove box if they get pulled over.

Obviously Jacob missed the talk memo.
That cop could have let go of his shirt, backed up and drew his weapon and waited until he actually saw a knife. Having a knife in your car is not illegal. The cop panicked and shot a man 7 times in the back and you are still irrationally trying to excuse it. Bless your heart.
Jacob could have wheeled on him a Dirty Harry and put a big hole in his head. Just Stop. The shooting is legally justified.
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It’s easy to sit back and reflect on what should’ve been done. I wish he would’ve never been shot but like I have said many times before if he just would’ve not resisted none of this would happen
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If so, then the law and their training need to change.
The vast majority of black Americans are not in abject fear of the police.

The vast majority, 81% want more police around our communities.

I'm sorry that you think the vast majority of Black Americans can't make good decisions. Why are white people like you bigots?
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Vile human beings. The hatred coming out the posts the last 24 hours is ridiculous. I wish all of you the best of luck finding some inner peace and kindness towards all human beings.

Some people are vile human beings who exist only to take and in the real world and spending a career dealing with this type of person makes it apparent that having kindness to those who are evil is in it's self disgusting. I have plenty of inner peace and I'm very confident in the fact that I have no hate toward anyone that lives within the accepted values and norms of being a good citizen. But I have a huge disdain for those who live outside the bounds of being a good citizen and who's actions are harmful to their fellow man.
Alleged. He hasn’t been convicted nor received the death penalty. Terrible police work and you still rationalize it all.

How is it terrible police work....they knew he was a violent offender, he admitted to having a weapon when investigated by the DOJ...he was reaching for a knife and witness collaborated the police told him to put the knife down...he didn't submit so he was shot as he should of been. And it wasn't excessive because most police training is to empty your clip. He got what he deserved.
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Donald Trump’s America is full of death, violence, hatred and despair.

Joe Biden offers hope for a brighter future for ALL Americans. Even stupid ones like you.

Strangely all that violence and death is in mostly Blue area's.....Which I'm fine with it's called Darwinism.....why has St.Louis and KC not erupted into this Chaos...Because Gov. Parson quickly stated he would Bring out the Nat'l Guard and show no quarter.

All these bastions of Democommie control are reaping what they have sown. It's Sort of satisfying in a way to see the Bitter seeds of Ignorance bear fruit....I just hope the good, righteous and productive citizens of those Cities and States are smart enough to get out before the Mob comes for them.

It's laughable to blame Trump he has offered to send in help...up until now all those area's have refused. Finally the Wisc. gov. has figured it out.
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If so, then the law and their training need to change.

NO the Law and the Training are fine....if a Police officer gives you a command you follow it and all is well, if you don't and you make a move that looks even 1% to be a threat to do bodily injury then Killing that person is 100% justified. LEO are not in the business of playing Defense they are in the Business of Protecting Law abiding citizens from Scum and Rabble. They do not under any measure of the Law have to overtly risk their lives or bodily injury for the idiot non-compliance of those who don't submit to police force.

This is so simple....the police give you a command....Follow it. If you resist and decide to act in a suspicious or possibly violent manner then expect to die. This is not complicated.

What I find mind boggling is that you and others think the police should have to wait for a suspect to produce a weapon and then even make a jester to use it. That is not reality, they are human beings with families and who have the Right to defend themselves from any possible danger they perceive. It's called self defense..

The law is written that way so people will choose to take up that profession, if not why would anyone even go into the field of LEO.....shooting second should not be the policy. Taking a beating so a Thug and Punk is still breathing the next day should never be part of the job. Follow the Law and the Commands and all is well...if not then suffer the consequences.

Of course maybe it would be better if Public LEO was disbanded and each person could mitigate out justice according to their own moral code.
we agree. Who would bend the knee to Putin and have love for little rocket man? You nailed it.
I've always agreed with you on this. Trump should just do something really awful, and not get caught, while wiping both men from the face of the earth, without starting WWIII.

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