The election won't be skewed if you defund the Post Office.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
It's a made-up conspiracy. The USPS has enough liquidity to operate until Aug. 2021. In 2019 they lost, 9 billion and projections are they will lose 13 billion in 2020. They are moving mailboxes and deactivating boxes because nobody is sending mail. COVID19. Plus the Democrats want bail-out money.
Another Democrat scam.
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I have seen quotes from 30-year USPS workers who say they have never seen things so fouled up and more boxes of mail backed up on the post office floor than the busiest Christmas season ever. And it’s only August. To use Trumps line “they’ve never seen anything like it”.

My wife’s college room mate says it’s not about cost savings at her post office in Florida they have taken away sorting machines and locked up mail boxes and they have fallen way behind but they are paying overtime out the arse.
Anecdotal evidence by conspiracy theorists.
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Trump doesn’t have the power to get rid of mail boxes.The USPS is picking up mail boxes that aren’t being use or slightly used plus cutting out overtime as cost cutting measures. You need to quit listening to Nancy and Chucky
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Nancy and Chuck? I haven’t heard a word from them. When Trump puts someone in charge of USPS who has invested millions in their competition, I know exactly what is up. Did you know he sold a ton of Amazon stock just before taking the job and picked up options on Amazon that will make him a fortune if the stock takes a big dip. Geeeeee I wonder what’s up????

Trump hates Bezos. He wants to hurt him. The repubs have wanted to privatize the USPS for decades. That’s why they passed the 2006 law to sabotage it and make it unprofitable. This is a great chance for them to kill multiple birds with one stone.

This mail in voting distraction is nothing more than a combination projection and smoke screen. Get everyone all fired up and distracted while you rig the mail in vote in some key states and prepare to challenge the vote in every key state you lose.
If he loses he wants to create a national disaster.

But you know all of this. Yes you do.
So you think it would be profitable, knowing the competition? I see a bunch of Amazon delivery vans in my area. They are everywhere. I am willing to listen. I like conspiracies.
Nancy and Chuck? I haven’t heard a word from them. When Trump puts someone in charge of USPS who has invested millions in their competition, I know exactly what is up. Did you know he sold a ton of Amazon stock just before taking the job and picked up options on Amazon that will make him a fortune if the stock takes a big dip. Geeeeee I wonder what’s up????

Trump hates Bezos. He wants to hurt him. The repubs have wanted to privatize the USPS for decades. That’s why they passed the 2006 law to sabotage it and make it unprofitable. This is a great chance for them to kill multiple birds with one stone.

This mail in voting distraction is nothing more than a combination projection and smoke screen. Get everyone all fired up and distracted while you rig the mail in vote in some key states and prepare to challenge the vote in every key state you lose.
If he loses he wants to create a national disaster.

But you know all of this. Yes you do.
Do USPS get their health insurance paid for? mmmmk?
It’s not a conspiracy. First class mail, flyers, etc the post office has no competition. But demand has plummeted with emails, texts, etc. The 2006 law limits the post office to raise their prices only to the level of the inflation rate. This killed them. For example in 2009 the rate was zero. They couldn’t raise postal rates at all and thats when their losses started mounting. No other business has those constraints.

Additionally, the 2006 law required an absurd level of pension and health care payments to be made waaaay beyond the requirements of any other pension plans. They were having to pay for health care benefits 50 years in advance for employees who weren’t even born yet. Absurd.

These payments handcuffed them in regard to upgrading technology to keep up with competitors in the much more lucrative package delivery business. This is why there are thousands of Fed-ex and UPS trucks driving around in towns they didn’t service in 2009.

Congress set them up to fail. They ended up defaulting on the pensions payments and started losing money yearly. I don’t care if they lose money because it’s a government service.
Good stuff. Thanks.

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