The Bible on Marriage..


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
Marriage Violations
13 If a man takes a wife and, after sleeping with her, dislikes her 14 and slanders her and gives her a bad name, saying, “I married this woman, but when I approached her, I did not find proof of her virginity,” 15 then the young woman’s father and mother shall bring to the town elders at the gate proof that she was a virgin. 16 Her father will say to the elders, “I gave my daughter in marriage to this man, but he dislikes her. 17 Now he has slandered her and said, ‘I did not find your daughter to be a virgin.’ But here is the proof of my daughter’s virginity.” Then her parents shall display the cloth before the elders of the town, 18 and the elders shall take the man and punish him. 19 They shall fine him a hundred shekelsa]">[a] of silver and give them to the young woman’s father, because this man has given an Israelite virgin a bad name. She shall continue to be his wife; he must not divorce her as long as he lives.

20 If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, 21 she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done an outrageous thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house. You must purge the evil from among you.

Seems fair.
Veer do you need something to do during the summer? I think you have too much time on your hands.;)
Why's it in the bible still? We aren't israel.
Another case of Christians picking and choosing what they want to follow in their Holy Book.

"Why is it in the bible still" ? "We aren't Isreal" ?

Do you think the bible was written specifically for people from Cleveland ?

To ridicule a group of people who have a different set of beliefs from you seems so intolerant. Are you intolerant Veer ? I mean, I thought liberals stood for personal freedom, and allowing people to do or think anything they wanted.

Are you trying to push your personal views on other people? Can thou say hypocrite ?
Just another example for the bible quoters who use the bible quotes to justify their views on gays and marriage. Pick and choose what verses we should follow.
"Why is it in the bible still" ? "We aren't Isreal" ?

Do you think the bible was written specifically for people from Cleveland ?

To ridicule a group of people who have a different set of beliefs from you seems so intolerant. Are you intolerant Veer ? I mean, I thought liberals stood for personal freedom, and allowing people to do or think anything they wanted.

Are you trying to push your personal views on other people? Can thou say hypocrite ?

miller used a quote from leviticus to bash homosexuality. I like to point other wonderful view points from levitical law that folks don't pay attention to.

Show me where I've taken liberal stances. First you better figure out that the GOP is nowhere near conservative.

And folks like you calling someone else intolerant. That's a good one.
Do you hate black people? Muslims? Gays?
Do you always lie?

On a weekly basis you are bashing Israel. I'm not sure how you can really deny it honestly. I'm not going to search to hard but this one was one that sticks out. Sure seems like hate to me.

We need to stop being servants to israel. They want to talk smack and be total tools around the world they should put up with the blowback.

Why would I hate black people? Because I don't see the fuss over the rebel flag? I hate muslim terrorist, absolutely. And gays? My buddy Andrew who works for Pride was in my wife and I's wedding, so I think that pretty much answers your question.
On a weekly basis you are bashing Israel. I'm not sure how you can really deny it honestly. I'm not going to search to hard but this one was one that sticks out. Sure seems like hate to me.

We need to stop being servants to israel. They want to talk smack and be total tools around the world they should put up with the blowback.

Why would I hate black people? Because I don't see the fuss over the rebel flag? I hate muslim terrorist, absolutely. And gays? My buddy Andrew who works for Pride was in my wife and I's wedding, so I think that pretty much answers your question.
I think he mostly bashes our government for sending billions of our tax dollars to Israel. They are doing quite well on their own, why do they need our money? BTW they DO have nukes but I'm pretty sure no one in congress is calling for inspections of their sites to determine their nuclear capabilities. They sure has heck ain't even admitting they even have them.
BTW they DO have nukes but I'm pretty sure no one in congress is calling for inspections of their sites to determine their nuclear capabilities. They sure has heck ain't even admitting they even have them.

Have they threatened us like Iran has?
Have they threatened us like Iran has?
We're not the only country in the world that worries about who has nukes. There are many that would rather Israel didn't have them I'm sure. Why don't we raise a fuss to inspect EVERY nuke facility in EVERY country that has them?
Because there are allies and enemies. You trust your allies and not your enemies. You sound like the TSA rules.....check all the old ladies in wheelchairs because it's just fair.
Israel takes numerous actions that are directly opposed to us policy. They are not an ally in the manner of Canada, the UK, etc.

A big part of it is Netanyahu. He is not a partner to the U.S. It's not an Obama thing - he is a terrible partner to basically all of our other major allies. The UK, France, etc are all fed up with him.
Because there are allies and enemies. You trust your allies and not your enemies. You sound like the TSA rules.....check all the old ladies in wheelchairs because it's just fair.
Do we have access to China's nuclear facilities. Last I heard North Korea has nukes, do we send inspectors in there? Does anybody inspect Pakistan's nukes? Does anybody get to inspect ours? Like I said, it's not just the United States that has concerns about countries that have nukes.
Do we have access to China's nuclear facilities. Last I heard North Korea has nukes, do we send inspectors in there? Does anybody inspect Pakistan's nukes? Does anybody get to inspect ours? Like I said, it's not just the United States that has concerns about countries that have nukes.
NK and Israel are why Iran wants the bomb so bad. They know we really can't stop them or hurt them that badly. And once they have that the game is changed.
NK and Israel are why Iran wants the bomb so bad. They know we really can't stop them or hurt them that badly. And once they have that the game is changed.
We've had very selective outrage over nukes for a long time now.To me Pakistan is a very scary place to have nukes. Who knows what might happen in that country over the next few years and who could get their hands on that stuff.
Pakistan was a major distributor of nuclear bomb knowledge already. The Khan network.
I'm talking about some bad guys getting control of the country and having nukes to play with. That wouldn't be like Iran's religious leaders having control of nukes. They know what would happen if they ever used them and they don't want to be wiped out. They would much rather send a bunch of kids with suicide vests out to blow themselves up to kill a few other people along with them.
Do we have access to China's nuclear facilities. Last I heard North Korea has nukes, do we send inspectors in there? Does anybody inspect Pakistan's nukes? Does anybody get to inspect ours? Like I said, it's not just the United States that has concerns about countries that have nukes.

1st, they already have nukes.....different situation.
2nd, are they threatening to wipe us out?
I'm talking about some bad guys getting control of the country and having nukes to play with. That wouldn't be like Iran's religious leaders having control of nukes. They know what would happen if they ever used them and they don't want to be wiped out. They would much rather send a bunch of kids with suicide vests out to blow themselves up to kill a few other people along with them.
I think the same risk exists in Iran. Both governments have legitimacy issues.
1st, they already have nukes.....different situation.
2nd, are they threatening to wipe us out?
Anybody that has nukes was ALLOWED to get them at somempoint by the U.S. and every other country. The fuss over Iran having them is ALL about Israel yet THEY have nukes too. Don't you think Iran wishes the country they consider their worst enemy didn't have nukes? Iran doesn't need nukes to blast the heck out of Israel but just as with nukes they know what would happen if they did.
It is hard to swallow you libs wanting more nukes but less guns.
I guess you're calling me a lib but you've been here long enough to know better. Anyway, I don't want more nukes, I just don't see why we have such selective outrage about who has them. Last time I checked WE are the only country to actually use such a weapon of mass destruction against another country.