Thats a winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are playing like last year now. Finally getting clutch hits to take pressure off our pitching staff
Its so much more fun. Go Cubs!!!
Originally posted by 3Rfan:
Go get us a sweep tomorrow vb.
I'll be in attendance for the first time in nearly three years tomorrow. VERY pumped. All except the 6:15 am leave time from CHS. That one is going to hurt.
Eagles we will be in section 131 row 1 seats 5-9 come look us up. I'll be easy to find as I will be the guy with the Cards hat on.
And a Molina jersey to really make him stand out.
Originally posted by vbsideout:

Eagles we will be in section 131 row 1 seats 5-9 come look us up. I'll be easy to find as I will be the guy with the Cards hat on.
Dangit VB, didn't see your post until we got home last night. Would have gladly come down for a visit. We were right above you in 333. Only the best seats when you bring up a bus load of kids
...Speaking of the bus. The bus "parking lot" was down on 1st and Choteau. You couldn't have paid me any amount of money to make that walk without the aid of daylight. I'll preface by saying, the Cardinals do a lot of good things and generally take care of kids at the park. But they sure need a better bus parking arrangement. Snapped a pic of the "lot". I'll try to get it loaded at school and post it. Oof.
1st and Chouteau?? Holy cow, all the way over by the river?

Did you at least hit up Rallys or Taco Bell for the road?
Originally posted by oldroundballer:
1st and Chouteau?? Holy cow, all the way over by the river?

Did you at least hit up Rallys or Taco Bell for the road?

Yep...down by the river. Not in a van...down by the river, but certainly close enough! If you can't tell, that's the freaking river wall. Our driver wasn't nearly as familiar with downtown as myself. He was a tad nervous. He mentioned being worried about getting mugged. I told him no worries during the day, too many witnesses. He didn't even crack a smile. I don't think he found my humor...well, humorous.

Noooooooo...That's too long of a trip for that stuff sitting in your belly!!!
Originally posted by vbsideout:

That would be a scary walk at night with a bunch of kids.
Dropped them off at gate 3 and picked them up there too. The driver and myself were the only ones brave...or stupid...enough to make the walk. Had it been a night game...I think I would have just had him park it right on Broadway and Clark and filled out a PO for the parking ticket. LOL. I wouldn't make that walk at night with a sidearm and hip full of ammo!
Originally posted by oldroundballer:
1st and Chouteau?? Holy cow, all the way over by the river?

Did you at least hit up Rallys or Taco Bell for the road?
Speaking of grub in that area...Did the Eat Rite not open back up after the SUV drove through it last winter???
I think it is still open, but we don't park on that side of the stadium so I am not sure
Don't know either. Used to work downtown and wondered over there occasionally. VERY occasionally...

I'd hit Rallys after a late work night for the drive home.

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