Last time I check 320 M people can't live in ste Genevieve. Looking at median incomes and house prices/rents is much more instructive. There is something to be said that people today of all ages expect larger homes, which skews the data.Not surprised you can only comprehend parts of the article that suit you. So you are saying that today young people are waiting longer to marry, have children, and settle in on a career solely because of housing prices??Really?? There's plenty of nice little houses in Ste Gen in nice neighborhoods in the $60-80K range that many have been raising families in for a long time that would debunk your "price of housing to income ratio" crap. Of course, you wouldn't impress the frat boys as much. But your entitled generation wants the big home, nice cars, and all the expensive toys right now by 30-35 years old, while your parent's generation had to work and save most of their lives to finally move to that nice home later in life. But of course, since your generation always has to put all blame on someone else, go ahead and blame my generation including your parents for the awful life we have made for you, you ungrateful twit!!
the only person i know who got foreclosed on was a boomer. The foreclosure crisis was driven by loans in the early to mid 2000s. thats boomers and gen XLOL
1) I inherited a rocking chair and a tie pin from my parents. Really set me up for life.
2) None of my family or friends had homes foreclosed on. We knew to live within our means.
3) I trust no politician and sure as hell didn't trust them with my money. It is protected from vultures.
4) I opposed war in Iraq BECAUSE I learned from Vietnam. Thank your President Bush for that one.
5) I am personally responsible for housing crisis, Iraq war, national debt, and anything else you can think of that went wrong in past 40 years, but not your dear mommy and daddy because they are "awesome".Talk about having your head up your ass!!
Wisdom comes with age and you're still a wet behind the ears puppy, young man.
We have had several periods of recessions - '69-70, '73-75, early 1980s, early 1990s, early 2000s. Those of us old enough to remember can remember the layoffs that came every few years, and the only jobs to be found were low paying with no benefits. I can remember the hurt on my dad's face when he would get laid off and not knowing how he was going to support us. We had student loan debts that we knew we had to repay without Uncle Sam bailing us out. You can try to rewrite history anyway you want, but Gen X has it no rougher than we did. I don't buy that today's generation has it harder or have a lower standard of living than we did. They are just spoiled.
Just because Kenny and Neutron have an opinion, doesn't make it so.
BTW, Ken, you want to throw around things like "price of housing to income ratio" when I'll bet mommy gave you a sweet deal on the ranch house and 35 acres. Go cry somewhere else about housing costs, how hard it is for your generation, and how my generation has boot strapped you so bad and just give us a "Thank you" for someone from my generation for making your life so easy and giving you everything you have .
Wow you must be really old.Hey being old isn't so bad I don't have to go to work anymore. So take that you youngins
I got a participation trophy in t-ball in the 1980s. This isn't as new as we think it is.The yuppy, let's not hurt anyone's self esteem, everyone goes home a winner, get in touch with your feelings mommies and daddies of your generation, young man. Didn't happen 25 years ago when my generation was raising kids.
I'd separate what you are saying from what Kenny is saying.It is hilarious when 20 and 30 something's think their lives were harder than the generation or two before them. You have to be $#!++:#% me.
1. Online college courses where groups of students are working together to insure they pass without actually learning anything.
2. Mortgage rates in the threes.
3. More exotic vacations than some of us can even imagine.
4. There is an app for everything.
5. Dvrs, online streaming, Netflix, etc these people have 15 different "favorite shows".
It is hilarious when 20 and 30 something's think their lives were harder than the generation or two before them. You have to be $#!++:#% me.
1. Online college courses where groups of students are working together to insure they pass without actually learning anything.
2. Mortgage rates in the threes.
3. More exotic vacations than some of us can even imagine.
4. There is an app for everything.
5. Dvrs, online streaming, Netflix, etc these people have 15 different "favorite shows".
4 & 5 are a direct result of 20 and 30 somethings making that happen.It is hilarious when 20 and 30 something's think their lives were harder than the generation or two before them. You have to be $#!++:#% me.
1. Online college courses where groups of students are working together to insure they pass without actually learning anything.
2. Mortgage rates in the threes.
3. More exotic vacations than some of us can even imagine.
4. There is an app for everything.
5. Dvrs, online streaming, Netflix, etc these people have 15 different "favorite shows".
4 & 5 are a direct result of 20 and 30 somethings making that happen.
The progress that was made from 1980-1995 was built on the work of mathematicians post 1945.The foundation for all of those development s was layed by my generation and the one just ahead of mine. The progress made when I was coding from 1980-1995 made a lot of what we have today possible.
It is so much easier to write apps now.
You are welcome.