I read this article from Rock M Nation yesterday:
http://www.rockmnation.com/2015/4/9/8377569/35-second-shot-clock-on-recruiting-and-jayson-tatum, then this news came out today.
"A connection to a player is just the tip of the iceberg. How can you have a connection if you don't work to build a relationship with them? So they had a connection to Thomas Bryant because of Rob Fulford. But what about Jayson Tatum? A kid that was born and raised in St. Louis, MO. Parents that are from St. Louis. Yes his dad played for SLU, so his connection may be closer to SLU than Mizzou, but playing in the SEC, playing at the flagship school is not nothing. And the coaches simply didn't make Tatum a priority. Meanwhile, Roy Williams and Mike Krzyzewski flew halfway across the country on several different occasions to watch Tatum play. Duke is at his open gyms, they're at his AAU games, they schedule home visits, they are aggressive in getting him on campus, and are maintaining a level of contact that makes that player feel like he's wanted there.
Meanwhile, Tatum barely hears from Mizzou.""Tatum is a good kid who likes being close to home and is close to a lot of his friends on the St. Louis Eagles."
"Mizzou never went there. Whether they made up their mind early it wasn't worth the time, Tatum is exactly the kind of kid that you have to build a relationship with to be that 'Can't Miss' or '5-star with a reason' recruit."
"With Jayson Tatum it's a team with a shot at the Final Four. We'll never know if that could have been the case, because Tigers coaches decided that Tatum wasn't worth their time and energy. Or if you want a more negative viewpoint, maybe they don't realize what it takes to land a kid of that nature.
That is something to worry about because our big concern with Kim Anderson being hired was whether or not he'd be able to attract the kids needed to win."
If what the article says is true, then I can't be surprised he's no longer considering Mizzou. However, the fact that he's still considering SLU makes me feel like Mizzou potentially missed a big opportunity. Whether they had a legitimate shot or not, they made next to no effort to get him. That is a problem.