Coach Nickerson!! You never checked in! We were all worried. Will you be giving us your Friday Night Wisdom's again??PC
Coach Nickerson!! You never checked in! We were all worried. Will you be giving us your Friday Night Wisdom's again??
Believe me Coach, your weekly posts on Fridays were a big hit last year. That wisdom is not unwanted, its demanded!I hate to give unwanted advice, but I have no problem passing on advice this season. Any time anyone wants to go get some fishing in and talk over the 6-2 stack monster I am more than willing lol
I hate to give unwanted advice, but I have no problem passing on advice this season. Any time anyone wants to go get some fishing in and talk over the 6-2 stack monster I am more than willing lol
PCIt’s Pick Em time again.
Pierce City @ Lockwood
Stockton @ Miller
Diamond @ Ash Grove
Sarcoxie @ Houston
Pleasant Hope @ Marionville
PCIt’s Pick Em time again.
Pierce City @ Lockwood
Stockton @ Miller
Diamond @ Ash Grove
Sarcoxie @ Houston
Pleasant Hope @ Marionville