Survivor Week 10

1 Sweet Springs
2 Lift for Life
3 Monett
4 Liberty
5 Webster Groves
6 Rockhurst
Class 1: Pierce City
Class 2: Saint Louis Lift For Life Academy Charter
Class 3: Chillicothe
Class 4: Lake Saint Louis Liberty
Class 5: Webster Groves
Class 6: Saint Charles Francis Howell (Nondirectional)
1. Skyline
2. Monroe City
3. Lutheran St. Charles
4. St. Dominic
5. Oak Park
6. Francis Howell
From the looks of it, everybody moves on to next week. Can someone recheck it if I didn't overlooked anything.

It's going be getting tougher the next couple of weeks.
Ya, I'm running out of teams in class 1, and 6. I haven't use Lincoln,Mid-Buchanan, Thayer, Valle, and Hayti but trying to save them for later rounds. I didn't expect ray-pec, Liberty North and DeSmet having a great year.

I believe all advanced. It gets much tougher from here on out though. No more gimmes in some of the classes.
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