Summer play days / tourneys?


Active Member
Apr 22, 2017
any teams doing play days or tourneys over summer? Mshsaa lifting summer contact restrictions didn't know what teams were going to do.
any teams doing play days or tourneys over summer? Mshsaa lifting summer contact restrictions didn't know what teams were going to do.
That’s the first thing I thought of when they announced the possibility of playing some games this summer. This could mess up a lot of schedules for travel baseball, basketball, softball, etc. Possibility of a lot of scheduling conflicts. I just hope we don’t rush things and relapse. A LOT to consider or maybe NOTHING to consider.
any teams doing play days or tourneys over summer? Mshsaa lifting summer contact restrictions didn't know what teams were going to do.

Yes please clarify. Are coaches no longer limited to 20 days of summer contact? all sports? a permanent rule or just this year due to schools closing?
Yes please clarify. Are coaches no longer limited to 20 days of summer contact? all sports? a permanent rule or just this year due to schools closing?
Pretty sure this year only and schools have the option to take the dead period out or reduce it and also to drop the contact day limit if they want to. That's the way I read it.