With all the critics in Congress piling on Obama for not doing something in Syria I assume they have forgotten that the President asked them for permission to bomb inside Syria about a year ago. Guess what happened? They ran like scared little rabbits and there was never a vote on that request. Many say the deal that was brokered to get rid of Syria's stock pile of chemical weapons bailed out Obama when in fact it bailed out the Congress after they would not act on the bombing request. Now they're all right back at it wanting him to do more inside Syria to fight ISIS, which by the way would be helping Assad, but when they're asked what THEY would do they stammer around and say the President has no strategy so we don't have anything to vote on. They don't need anything to vote on when they're simply asked what THEY would do. They wouldn't even vote on his request to bomb inside Syria when he asked to to last year, why should we believe they really want to do it now?
I find it extremely funny when many of the same people that voted FOR our invasion of Iraq, grumble about Russia invading a sovereign nation now and demand the President do something about that too!
I find it extremely funny when many of the same people that voted FOR our invasion of Iraq, grumble about Russia invading a sovereign nation now and demand the President do something about that too!