I, like thousands of previous generations, took out student loans and paid them off. I did without the brand new car and 2 car garage house in the newest subdivision, and yearly vacations to Cancun. We got by without the finer things in life until we got our loans paid off.
The Entitled Generation wants it all by age 21 and not sacrifice to get it.
There is no reason why any kid can't afford 2 yrs of junior college and live at home, and transfer to a cheap state school like Southeast Missouri State, and get a degree with only $40-50K in debt.
1. ONLY $40-50K in debt.
2. How marketable is the typical Gender Studies degree? What do those job prospects look like? Their options are really:
A. Burger flipper (which explains the push for $15 minimum wage)
B. Gender Studies Professor
C. Entry level position making bare minimum
D. Unemployed needing a government handout
How quickly would you say any of those options can pay off $40K of debt while also hopefully positively contributing to the national economy.
This exact scenario is why you see people putting off or not getting married at all, delaying kids (if they're smart and responsible), and delaying their life in general.
I live the Dave Ramsay lifestyle, GI Bill paid for a lot of college, and I am by my nature conservative with my money. I did not however pursue a degree that pays a ton. If I had it to do all over I may have pursued something else.
One of my kids wants to be an art teacher, nothing wrong with that, but I'm also helping her learn about money management, scholarship programs, and how debt works so she avoids those pitfalls.
Colleges meanwhile will continue to offer Gender Studies, General Studies, and Film Theory among other useless majors because as long as the student loan buffet is open colleges are gonna eat.
My overarching point is just be responsible.