"Stricter Background Checks"


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
Do many of the people advocating "stricter background checks" or getting rid of certain weapons even know what current policies are already in place? Asking for a friend....
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Yes, but federal law does not require any background checks for sale of guns by unlicensed dealers. State laws vary greatly from state to state. Some only require background checks for handguns. There are exceptions and loopholes in our current ownership law. We need consistent laws across the country.

It does no good for Chicago to have strict gun laws when you can drive to Gary Indiana is 35 minutes and load up on weapons and ammo of your choosing.
Surely no one would do a go around to get around strict gun laws... I mean if they are made illegal, everyone would abide.
Surely no one would do a go around to get around strict gun laws... I mean if they are made illegal, everyone would abide.
Yea and I see people speeding on the highway, we should do away with all speed limits. Brilliant.
horrible attempt at a parallel, but at least you tried.
Yes, but federal law does not require any background checks for sale of guns by unlicensed dealers. State laws vary greatly from state to state. Some only require background checks for handguns. There are exceptions and loopholes in our current ownership law. We need consistent laws across the country.

there is no such thing as an unliscensed dealer.
horrible attempt at a parallel, but at least you tried.
How many people have to die while shopping or praying or teaching before you admit we have a gun problem? Before you say something stupid, we don’t have more mentally Ill citizens than other countries, just a lot more untrained, unlicensed gun owners.
there is no such thing as an unliscensed dealer.

I believe that means a private citizen not in the gun business. I can sale you a rifle I own without a license and no background check, can't I? The article used the "unlicensed" word, so I guess technically if I sell you a gun in a private deal then I have also "dealt" you a gun. It's semantics.
I believe that means a private citizen not in the gun business. I can sale you a rifle I own without a license and no background check, can't I? The article used the "unlicensed" word, so I guess technically if I sell you a gun in a private deal then I have also "dealt" you a gun. It's semantics.
Cards is so desperate to distract from the core problem we face as a nation in hopes of easing his guilt of supporting gun manufacturers at the expense of dead children, dead shoppers, dead christians and dead innocent bystanders.
Cards is so desperate to distract from the core problem we face as a nation in hopes of easing his guilt of supporting gun manufacturers at the expense of dead children, dead shoppers, dead christians and dead innocent bystanders.
I am not concerned about it in the least bit. Me, or my guns have not hurt a soul
Yes, but federal law does not require any background checks for sale of guns by unlicensed dealers. State laws vary greatly from state to state. Some only require background checks for handguns. There are exceptions and loopholes in our current ownership law. We need consistent laws across the country.

unlicensed dealers are your average citizen selling family firearms to a buddy or relative.

I agree on one law across the whole of the U.S. the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed.
How many people have to die while shopping or praying or teaching before you admit we have a gun problem? Before you say something stupid, we don’t have more mentally Ill citizens than other countries, just a lot more untrained, unlicensed gun owners.
Admit a issue way More than a miniscule 13,000 on average a year. Brazil, South Africa, India average 9,000 reported stabbing deaths so... You'd have to get to the 200k mark of gun deaths from violence before I'd even take notice.
Admit a issue way More than a miniscule 13,000 on average a year. Brazil, South Africa, India average 9,000 reported stabbing deaths so... You'd have to get to the 200k mark of gun deaths from violence before I'd even take notice.
Unless your kid, or other relative, was the victim of a school or mall shooting. I'll bet you would notice then.
or mentally ill stranger.
Do normal people sale their guns to mentally ill strangers at a high rate, I've not seen that stat? Most of the mass shooters get their guns from FFL dealers and Criminals on the street tend to get guns from those in the illegal gun trade, straw purchases etc.....
Unless your kid, or other relative, was the victim of a school or mall shooting. I'll bet you would notice then.
I would be sad....but I wouldn't change my mind. As I pointed out earlier my Cousin committed suicide with a gun last week. I don't blame the gun or Smith and Wesson.

I don't personalize every tragedy or get overly emotional about it. Dying is Dying...if my kids or relative where killed in a car accident by a drunk driver I wouldn't be calling for the outlawing of Liquor or Vehicles....I'd just hate the person who did so and expect him or her to be punished harshly.

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