Sticking TOGETHER!


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2016
Ampipe, PA
I know most of you all having been following the saga of the Ampipe Boys and the Replacement Alliance coming TOGETHER to form the Doc Guys, that has been unfolding on here. I also, know Coach Nickerson was the first one to be all about doing things TOGETHER, but he is enjoying his retirement and doesnt post much. So in his absence, I have taken up the reins of bringing everyone TOGETHER! So I got to wondering, what other coaches, players, or boosters on here have stories about setting differences aside and coming TOGETHER! New coaches taking over a program? Players find some common ground to unite under? This thread is open to all Doc Guys and non Doc Guy posters. Whats your story?
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When I first got to Minnesota State I had to deal with the Girls Basketball Coach, Judy Watkins, she could not stand our football program, she dated my Student Assistant Dauber Divinski and tried poisoning his mind, she even tried to out do me in cards one night. She sucked up to win the Curly Obrien Award that should have been mine.
I dont know if we ever put our differences aside, but she eventually left MSU and was a ski patrol in Utah or Colorado somewhere.
Anyone who rejects me and Julius doesn't know togetherness from a horned toad. We have experience TOGETHER.


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