I don't disagree about staying out of Ukraine...for different reasons, of course, but I'm with you on that.
Also, this is a rant as opposed to a well-reasoned argument, so I won't enumerate every single one of the copious logical inconsistencies present, as that would be unproductive, not to mention a waste of seconds of my life that I'll never get back. I used to try to do that, but it's clearly ineffective.
Not a emotional rant as much as me stating my position and opinions based on the current state of world affairs and how we got to this point because of our current mind set and lack of understanding of nation expansion to gain power and resources . We now struggle with Leaders who look at deals, and agreements as weakness and ways to pacify the West while they do what they want because America as a whole is against using consequences that are a legit deterrent.. maybe it is consistent that I don't want to be in a conflict over the Ukraine but also understand that at some point you can't just roll over and do nothing over and over again....and expect the behavior of petty thugs to change.
In short I don't want to enter a conflict like this...but we might have to, do to the Global nature of our economy, and how tied we are to the global economy.
Again I wanted to point out our lack of understanding of the motivations for the Leaders and People from other cultures and how our failed policy attempts in that vain have led us to this point. Comfort, Security and Material things are often of little value to people who are steeped in the love and lore of their countries greatness.
If you want to out wrestle a pig you have to get into the mud and waller with it at some point to win. I believe our leaders and most citizens have little understanding of what motivates people from other countries...in short if you don't understand the bad guys you can't begin to stop them.
Us as American's like are nice things and Material wealth. We can't seem to comprehend that people in Russian/China are not motivated in the same way. Often they are looking for a Higher meaning or purpose and garner far more pride and happiness from the expansion or power of their homeland than they do from nicer Blue Jeans and a slightly bigger house.
I also wanted to bring light to the willy nilly call for protection of Democracy from the Dem's and how they are very selective in how they defend Democracy. They do so when it is convenient to their cause or needs.
BIden clearly green lite this whole thing with his stupid bumbling statement as well. If Putin had any doubts about America's weakness or lack of Resolve...Biden clearly made our policy intentions clear... we would take a limp wristed approach to a Russian invasion.
I also don't want to hear fat kat politicians talking about sacrifice when they will not give up anything at all on that front.
Maybe America should wake up and stop Focusing so much on Climate Change, Systemic Racism and the Wealth inequality and see that a huge chunk of the world doesn't share our values and come to the obvious conclusion that they are highly motivated to topple us and to replace Western Civilization and values so they can become the dominate force in the World.