Damn, I think I may be catching some of that narcolepsy thing you have going.
President fires anti-prez political hack, BFD.
A better question would be why didn't Agent Orange fire many, many more of the Lyin' Hawaiian's appointees a long time ago, like most/all other CICs before him did?
The IG he fired yesterday is the one who wrote up a scathing report criticizing Hillary’s email use. Funny he wasn’t fired then. Trump and the arrogant, belligerent a-hole Pompeo gotta go. It’s like you guys love authoritarianism.
I don't know why President Obama didn't fire the IG in mid-2016 (aka "then") when the report came out. I guess he considered it sufficiently vanilla/spinnable to comply with his direction on the matter.
And Pompeo can't hold a candle to that POS John Heinz-Kerry in the "arrogant, belligerent a-hole" competition, anyone with a functioning brain knows that.
Hydroxychloroquine: Drug promoted by Trump as coronavirus ‘game changer’ increasingly linked to deaths
Not sure why you posted the non sequitur on hydroxychlorquine here but I will reply to that part...just so you are up to date.
Read that and get a clue...you're welcome.
I read it. It says they are going to do a study.
Bahahahahaha gee thanks for this important info. Let me know what the results are.
This WH is in constant chaos.
You better get on the red phone and inform the NIH that they are wasting their time with this trial, I guess they haven't heard your lefticom rantings that this inexpensive, plentiful drug that has been around for decades is gonna kill everyone who tries it.
It's being used all over the world now, and with some success. I know it goes against the voices in your head to admit that something Donnie has promoted might be helpful but you'll get over it when the guys with the net and the snug-fitting jacket get there.
...He is a lunatic. And you love him.
Even Democrats, who were chomping at the bit to impeach and remove the president, said that Linick was unhelpful. He's a Obama guy, which is code for he lies and he's incompetent.
Don't trust him Duck. Miller told me that where he got AIDS.You are a lunatic. And you hate him.
I love lunatics and the poorly educated.
Will you be my friend?
Don't trust him Duck. Miller told me that where he got AIDS.
Niiiiiice...brilliant reply SadButt! I bet you practically prolapsed yourself excreting that one.
There's no Unlike button on this forum but if there was I'd bet even your fellow commie comrades would downvote you on this one, that's just pathetic.
You get a gold star for consistency though.
I hope you are good at music, because you suck at politics and witty banter.
I'm glad you care about my musical ability, I've been worrying about that.
I've always been the glue guy in the band...making it a point to put in the work to do what it takes to make the band better, that's why I'm always in demand as a player. Definitely not a pure natural talent, but have enough to be able to develop my skills and hang with top-caliber players. It was similar in sports for me (basketball and baseball) but I wasn't near good enough to go pro with those pursuits.
As far as my skill level in politics and banter...I wiped more wit after my daily constitutional than you and your legion of sockpuppets have produced since Day 1. I've been here long enough to know that.
Thank you, I thought it is good too. I have listen to your filth and innuendos for several weeks now and never lowered myself to your level. You say trash everyday. You think your cute, but you are a nobody. As far as like and unlikes go, care less. Just glad I stuck a nerve on you, I hope you don't really have AIDS, because it would show I figured you out, and that would have been too easy. I notice Miller didn't chime in.Niiiiiice...brilliant reply SadButt! I bet you practically prolapsed yourself excreting that one.
There's no Unlike button on this forum but if there was I'd bet even your fellow commie comrades would downvote you on this one, that's just pathetic.
You get a gold star for consistency though.
Thank you, I thought it is good too. I have listen to your filth and innuendos for several weeks now and never lowered myself to your level. You say trash everyday. You think your cute, but you are a nobody. As far as like and unlikes go, care less. Just glad I stuck a nerve on you, I hope you don't really have AIDS, because it would show I figured you out, and that would have been too easy. I notice Miller didn't chime in.
The pit is black.You made a joke about other people getting AIDS and implied the homosexuality of other posters (you do that a lot).
You calling anyone else out for posting trash or filth is the height of the pit calling the kettle black.