So, I'm confused, .... Again



Why are we losing the "PR" war against ISIS ?

I read in the news how we are losing the PR war against ISIS. How is this possible ? What kind of kids are we raising ?

What kind of life is little Jennifer living that would make her join ISIS? Parents take away the I-phone for a week? Won't let her see the boy next door ? Car keys took away ? Seriously, what in the hell is going on?

Come join ISIS and you can lose your freedom of choice, freedom of speech, pray when we tell you, eat when we tell you, sleep with who we tell you to, kill who we tell you to, ..... And if you don't, we will burn you alive, rape you, and saw your head off and let you hang in the town square for a week!!!

This country, thanks to liberals, allows any kind of heathen behavior imaginable. If you want green hair, cool. If you want to go naked, cool. If you want to sleep with your own kind, cool. If you want to sleep with a ox, cool. If you want to kill your unborn baby, cool. If you want to burn the flag, cool.

So tell me, how does someone decide they want to join up with someone that takes all your rights away, and enjoys sawing people's heads off on camera?????

It truly does not make sense to me.

Is it all a lie? Veer tells me I am a foxbot, that can't think for myself. Is Fox lying to me? Is ISIS really good? Should I be looking to join?
and how many people are we really talking about from the U.S.? It's not even 500 I don't think. We are insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

When I think about ithe PR war, I think about their global appeal. How are we stopping a Tunisian from going to join Isis in Libya? How are we giving Sunnis in Syria/Iraq a viable alternative? How do we keep Saudis in Saudi Arabia?

This is what ISIS really is - they have a few westerners but, at their core, they are a Sunni movement made up mostly of Sunnis from North Africa and the Middle East.
The titled says it all. agman is confused again. What's new? Don't worry aggie boy, the late edition of Fox news will tell you what to think.
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Why are we losing the "PR" war against ISIS ?

I read in the news how we are losing the PR war against ISIS. How is this possible ? What kind of kids are we raising ?

What kind of life is little Jennifer living that would make her join ISIS? Parents take away the I-phone for a week? Won't let her see the boy next door ? Car keys took away ? Seriously, what in the hell is going on?

Come join ISIS and you can lose your freedom of choice, freedom of speech, pray when we tell you, eat when we tell you, sleep with who we tell you to, kill who we tell you to, ..... And if you don't, we will burn you alive, rape you, and saw your head off and let you hang in the town square for a week!!!

This country, thanks to liberals, allows any kind of heathen behavior imaginable. If you want green hair, cool. If you want to go naked, cool. If you want to sleep with your own kind, cool. If you want to sleep with a ox, cool. If you want to kill your unborn baby, cool. If you want to burn the flag, cool.

So tell me, how does someone decide they want to join up with someone that takes all your rights away, and enjoys sawing people's heads off on camera?????

It truly does not make sense to me.

Is it all a lie? Veer tells me I am a foxbot, that can't think for myself. Is Fox lying to me? Is ISIS really good? Should I be looking to join?

Yes I agree you're confused
Once again, an intelligent response from NM,

And crap from bogey and veer,

Who would have thought ????

Answer the question veer, fox says ISIS is bad, are they lying like you always claim ?
and how many people are we really talking about from the U.S.? It's not even 500 I don't think. We are insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

When I think about ithe PR war, I think about their global appeal. How are we stopping a Tunisian from going to join Isis in Libya? How are we giving Sunnis in Syria/Iraq a viable alternative? How do we keep Saudis in Saudi Arabia?

This is what ISIS really is - they have a few westerners but, at their core, they are a Sunni movement made up mostly of Sunnis from North Africa and the Middle East.

So what would intice even 500 hundred Americans to join? I fail to see the draw ???

Or the Tunisian, or the Sunnis? Is life so bad that these people think it would be better with ISIS?
That is sad,

I guess we should be glad that people in Baltimore and Ferguson just burn buildings down and rob people, it would be bad if they beheaded someone on the streets of St.Louis.
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This country, thanks to liberals, allows any kind of heathen behavior imaginable. If you want green hair, cool. If you want to go naked, cool. If you want to sleep with your own kind, cool. If you want to sleep with a ox, cool. If you want to kill your unborn baby, cool. If you want to burn the flag, cool.
Well first, after reading this diatribe, if you feel you are a moderate you need to revisit the political spectrum and understand where you fall on that spectrum. Equating green hair to sleeping with an ox? REALLY?!?!
It's amazing that the problem is considered the list of actions above, and not the bigoted response to those actions that cause disenfranchisement. Extremism is extremism. ISIS is similar to a cult in how they recruit members, they go after the ones who find they are lost, and need some sort of place to belong. We are not losing a PR war with ISIS, (guessing that's coming from a right wing internet source, because I did a search with those words, and couldn't find anything) because I have not seen anyone say ISIS is a good thing, publicly.
Well first, after reading this diatribe, if you feel you are a moderate you need to revisit the political spectrum and understand where you fall on that spectrum. Equating green hair to sleeping with an ox? REALLY?!?!
It's amazing that the problem is considered the list of actions above, and not the bigoted response to those actions that cause disenfranchisement. Extremism is extremism. ISIS is similar to a cult in how they recruit members, they go after the ones who find they are lost, and need some sort of place to belong. We are not losing a PR war with ISIS, (guessing that's coming from a right wing internet source, because I did a search with those words, and couldn't find anything) because I have not seen anyone say ISIS is a good thing, publicly.

I haven't said I was moderate, I said I lean conservative.

I did not equate green hair to sleeping with an ox, I was just listing examples of the freedoms people in America enjoy.

If you have not heard or read about the cyber recruiting success ISIS is enjoying, you are not paying attention, but be sure to throw out that it has to be from some "right wing" source, implying that discredits the fact.

If I remember correctly, I believe I read it on Politico.
I haven't said I was moderate, I said I lean conservative.

I did not equate green hair to sleeping with an ox, I was just listing examples of the freedoms people in America enjoy.

If you have not heard or read about the cyber recruiting success ISIS is enjoying, you are not paying attention, but be sure to throw out that it has to be from some "right wing" source, implying that discredits the fact.

If I remember correctly, I believe I read it on Politico.

ISIS is just the next boogeyman for the sheep to tremble at.

The REAL boogeyman Shrubscout did nothing about.
Well first, after reading this diatribe, if you feel you are a moderate you need to revisit the political spectrum and understand where you fall on that spectrum. Equating green hair to sleeping with an ox? REALLY?!?!
It's amazing that the problem is considered the list of actions above, and not the bigoted response to those actions that cause disenfranchisement. Extremism is extremism. ISIS is similar to a cult in how they recruit members, they go after the ones who find they are lost, and need some sort of place to belong. We are not losing a PR war with ISIS, (guessing that's coming from a right wing internet source, because I did a search with those words, and couldn't find anything) because I have not seen anyone say ISIS is a good thing, publicly.
What if it is a green haired ox?
I haven't said I was moderate, I said I lean conservative.

I did not equate green hair to sleeping with an ox, I was just listing examples of the freedoms people in America enjoy.

If you have not heard or read about the cyber recruiting success ISIS is enjoying, you are not paying attention, but be sure to throw out that it has to be from some "right wing" source, implying that discredits the fact.

If I remember correctly, I believe I read it on Politico.
Why don't you link to it? I searched Politico and still didn't find anything. Depending on the right wing source. Infowars, Breitbart pretty much yes discredited. Also depends on if the article is an article or opinion piece. Saying they are "winning" the war, is a bit of stretch. They have recruited several people, but let's compare their numbers to the number of people joining the military in the same time frame. If our military recruiting is down compared to their numbers, then we can worry.
You did suggest you were a moderate, that leaned a little right. That diatribe, shows you are not leaning right, but you down right fell right.
How do you not see that list as equating those things as the bad things we do here. Why in the heck does green hair make a person a bad person?
Why don't you link to it? I searched Politico and still didn't find anything. Depending on the right wing source. Infowars, Breitbart pretty much yes discredited. Also depends on if the article is an article or opinion piece. Saying they are "winning" the war, is a bit of stretch. They have recruited several people, but let's compare their numbers to the number of people joining the military in the same time frame. If our military recruiting is down compared to their numbers, then we can worry.
You did suggest you were a moderate, that leaned a little right. That diatribe, shows you are not leaning right, but you down right fell right.
How do you not see that list as equating those things as the bad things we do here. Why in the heck does green hair make a person a bad person?

Man, you are hung up on the green hair. As I stated before, I was using the above examples to demonstrate the freedoms people enjoy here in the U.S., demeaning said people was not my intent. I was wondering what would intice people to give up those freedoms and go fight for ISIS.

I googled and found numerous sites discussing this issue, they are not hard to find. Good grief, how can you argue when I ask a simple question?
This country, thanks to liberals, allows any kind of heathen behavior imaginable. If you want green hair, cool. If you want to go naked, cool. If you want to sleep with your own kind, cool. If you want to sleep with a ox, cool. If you want to kill your unborn baby, cool. If you want to burn the flag, cool.

Lol. What the h*ll?
Man, you are hung up on the green hair. As I stated before, I was using the above examples to demonstrate the freedoms people enjoy here in the U.S., demeaning said people was not my intent. I was wondering what would intice people to give up those freedoms and go fight for ISIS.

I googled and found numerous sites discussing this issue, they are not hard to find. Good grief, how can you argue when I ask a simple question?
You called them all heathen behavior.
I read both of those articles, and think they claim that we are not doing a very good job of social media, but I don't think we are losing any war to ISIS.
I haven't said I was moderate, I said I lean conservative.

I did not equate green hair to sleeping with an ox, I was just listing examples of the freedoms people in America enjoy.

If you have not heard or read about the cyber recruiting success ISIS is enjoying, you are not paying attention, but be sure to throw out that it has to be from some "right wing" source, implying that discredits the fact.

If I remember correctly, I believe I read it on Politico.
If you mean "sleeping with an ox" like I think you do then is NOT a freedom enjoyed by Americans. Last I heard doin it with your live stock is NOT legal in this country.
And liberals say that is OK? Link please.

Don't need a link Duck,

Liberals say it is ok for 2 men to have sex, you can kill the baby inside you, and someone else should pay their way.

Anyone that thinks like that surely wouldn't see anything wrong with having sex with an ox would they?
If it truly is illegal, maybe we should quit worrying about the confederate flag and move on to more pressing issues. Who is the Govt. to decide sexual preference? If I want to have sex with another man, an ox, or whatever, why does the Govt. have a say?
a true conservative would say it's the business of two consenting adults to make the sexual choices that are appropriate for them. When people say they are conservative and ramble on about gay Sex being bad, what they mean is they want a different kind of big government.
If it truly is illegal, maybe we should quit worrying about the confederate flag and move on to more pressing issues. Who is the Govt. to decide sexual preference? If I want to have sex with another man, an ox, or whatever, why does the Govt. have a say?
This concept called "consent" is a long recognized legal doctrine.

Minors, the mentally disabled, and animals can't give consent
Don't need a link Duck,

Liberals say it is ok for 2 men to have sex, you can kill the baby inside you, and someone else should pay their way.

Anyone that thinks like that surely wouldn't see anything wrong with having sex with an ox would they?

Log Cabin Republicans . Jeff Guckert spending the night in the WH. Randy Boehning. Steve Wiles. Rev. George Reker. Pastor Eddie Long (a shrub favorite). Troy King. Richard Curtis. TED HAGGARD LOL. Glen Murphy JR. Dave Dreier. Bruce Barclay. Roy Ashburn. Larry Craig. Ed Schrock. Robert Allen from Fla. Mark Foley. Philip Hinkle. Liberals know what ties these guys together (besides loving men)? They were some of the most outspoken anti-gay persons around. That's a trend I've noticed. Compensation.

Romney's record was Pro-choice but his talk was the typical GOP lie (seeing a trend?). GOP had complete control of government from 2000-2006. Abortion is still legal. Abortion is bait for the stupid .

Israel is liberal? BIg Corps like Oil Companies? How much welfare down there around miller? That's a GOP stronghold right? SWMO Is full of white trash welfare GOPers. Most of them hate Obama but can't tell you why. Love driving by run down trailers with GOP signs in the yard. Problem is stupid people get to breed too.

LIberals indeed.
Love driving by run down trailers with GOP signs in the yard. Problem is stupid people get to breed too.

LIberals indeed.

I love when a tough guy gets on here talking about "farmers welfare" and then his farm is on that list.

Ha Hypocrite.
a true conservative would say it's the business of two consenting adults to make the sexual choices that are appropriate for them. When people say they are conservative and ramble on about gay Sex being bad, what they mean is they want a different kind of big government.

Or maybe instead of more government, we wish people had better morals.
If it truly is illegal, maybe we should quit worrying about the confederate flag and move on to more pressing issues. Who is the Govt. to decide sexual preference? If I want to have sex with another man, an ox, or whatever, why does the Govt. have a say?
In case you try, my best guess is, don't try it with a male ox.
So when do conservatives start paying my way? This liberal looks forward to not forfeiting 30% of his paycheck to the government every week.
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Your not using all your liberal benefits cow, get with the program. :)

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