America is the Longest Surviving Democratic Republic/Democracy.
We are the largest Producer of Food in the World....I doubt Chinas data that they are.
We where the largest producer of fuel until Biden gutted that but easily could be again in short order.
Educationally we have 15 of the Top 20 universities in the world. Based on Tech, medicine etc. things that really count.
Even after Biden F'd up Afghan situation our Military is still tops in the World.
Our GDP is top's and even if China surpasses that they have 4 times the Population of America so roughly one American is producing what it takes four Chinese to do.
We have everything needed to be a Great Republic going forward for decades and decades....
But sadly the very people in power are trying to destroy the very system that gave us all this affluence and prosperity. Strangely they are attacking and wanting to end....
The 180 year old filibuster.
200 year plus Electoral College.
150 year 9 person Supreme court.
The Constitutional idea States set Voter laws.
At this point I'm not sure that Biden is the true President i question if he as all his wits about him...and that he made a deal with the Leftist devils to be the face of a moderates to get elected because now he clearly isn't the Joe of 20 years ago and he clearly isn't a moderate Dem by any stretch, in fact he might be the most Radical figure head President in our history.
Biden on ever aspect so far with his Open borders with 2 million people crossing with ease and his radical judicial appointments, his insane policy of printing money, his vax mandates lend to a level of Radical leftism we have never seen.
He has taken the Largest Producer of Gas that was immune from the Middle East and with these lower energy prices which helped the working class and middle class to a large degree and he chucked it out the window. Gas has doubled since he was elected and Natural Gas is more than Double.
We have not seen inflation rates like this in decades and it is going to go UP!
Our unaddressed supply Chain Issues are at a level not seen in any of our lifetimes.
America has no seen 2 million people cross the border in a years time.
Biden or his handlers have no interest in uniting America they are not Liberals, Democrats or even Progressives they are Pure leftwing Socialist.
This is why Biden is Polling so bad and so disliked across the nation...but it might be to late.
I truly believe that those pulling Bidens strings understand that they will never get 50% of Americans to go along with their Agenda...So they are trying to change the Voting System via the lax or no voting laws and getting rid of the EC, and couple that with trying to change the voting base by Bringing in a influx of illegal aliens and allowing them to vote.. they can now vote in local elections in some Area's and it will come to America nation wide.
Really in a lot of Ways I don't blame Biden, Old Joe would not of been even as Radical of President as in his state of mind he is the Most Radical President we have seen.