You are correct they are not a charity to dole out freebies for the greater good. They are in business to make a profit and share that profit with their investors and shareholders. And to try and make their business model as profitable as possible for as long as possible.
No business cares about some Hippie dippy hold hands type of policy for the economic good of the honest people trying to make a living. It's like you actually believe the BS that your Grade school teachers told you was how the world works. Business are about the MOST profit they can make. Simple as that. They are not suppose to care about the individual and his or her plight or suffering. Doing so would harm the Profit margin.
It's the govt job to grease the path to cheap and reliable energy. If you throw up road blocks and Speed bumps to this in front of the supplier of Energy then this is the expected result. This is on the Govt., they need to reverse course and become pro big oil again if you want cheaper prices at the pump. Not complicated at all.