That's not true....Trump F'd up a lot of stuff, most supporters understand that but he was the best of the horrible. The old guard Rep's hate Trump he is not in the CLUB and he doesn't care to be he ram rods and manipulates to get things done.
The Other Side with Biden, the Squad, Waters, Pelosi, Schumer, Warren and the rest of the Dem's have moved so far to the Left with radical idea's they are more leftist than Blue Dog Dem's. It's a hard thing to swallow for the moderates in the Party. My GF is struggling with it on a daily bases. She hates what the party has become because she is so emotionally invested in being a Democrat its how she was raised it's been hard for her to use her highly logical brain to over ride her feelings.
Dem's now have to wear the moniker's Of radical leftist Communist as Rep. wear the moniker alt-right racist, xenophobes.