Saving Murican Lives


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2002
Gumbo, Mo

Savin Muricans
All this Murican knows for sure is Obama has known for almost a year that Ebola would show up in the USA, and when it did no federal or state agency has a plan much less people and equipment to get people identified and quarantined and buildings and materials disenfected.

Then again the idiot Obama probably didn't see it coming
You have a link for when Obama stated " Ebola is coming to the US and we have no resources to contain it if it does" Thanks
I am joining this conversation late, but it seems that you may have missed the point of the video. Just sayin
So Obama is responsible for ebola coming to the US and not having resources to deal with it?? Got it!

So was Reagan responsible for AIDS coming to the US and not having the resources to deal with it???
Yes Obama is responsible. The people tasked with responding to situations like this all report to the executive branch. He sent 4000 troops to Africa to fight Ebola and never considered we didn't have plans in place to fight itin the United States.

According to the American Aids Institute Aids first came to the United States in the mid to late 70's, Jimmy Carter was responsible for that failure.
No I completely disagree with the entire point of the video. Ebola has the potential to wipe out half the people on earth, it's a he'll of a lot bigger threat than people excercising their constitutional rights by packin heat and poppin a cap on someone once in a while
There is no treatment or cure and it kills over 50% of the people it attacks,,,,,ets now uncontained in west Africa and Texas has people running around that have been exposed

Exactly what is to stop it ??
To kill half the population that means every single person alive would have to get it. Does that sound realistic to you?

And LOL at you thinking this is obama's fault.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The world is ripe for another pandemic. The Spanish flu epidemic of 1918-19 killed an estimated 20% of the world population. I am not so naive as to think modern medicine can cure every mutant strain of virus. History is full of devastating pandemics, our world is becoming overcrowded, intercontinental travel is a way of life, and viruses continually evolve and mutate to survive. Just like so many things in nature, it is not a question of if it will happen, but a question of when it will happen.
Don't want to make that 4 Billion number to alarming ...
Think he was really only talking 3,265,500,000 .
And Obama wants to send troops to Africa to help fight Ebola? Are they asking for volunteers to go or is a unit order to go there?
Originally posted by Stevedangos:
There is no treatment or cure and it kills over 50% of the people it attacks,,,,,ets now uncontained in west Africa and Texas has people running around that have been exposed

Exactly what is to stop it ??
Funny how GOPers want so much big gubmint.
Originally posted by Veer2Eternity:

Funny how GOPers want so much big gubmint.
The "gubmint" has legitimate responsibilities. This just happens to be one of the few.
Originally posted by millerbleach:
Originally posted by Veer2Eternity:

Funny how GOPers want so much big gubmint.
The "gubmint" has legitimate responsibilities. This just happens to be one of the few.


Funny how GOPers think they can define what a legitimate gubmint function is...the same folks who never, ever admit they're wrong.

Sorry nobody trusts the GOP except ...well....GOPers.
This post was edited on 10/5 9:50 PM by Veer2Eternity
Only a Kool-Aid drinking Liberal would think 5.9% unemployment is a good thing
The first successful Vaccines for the following illnesses were found in.................

Small Pox...........1798
Typhoid Fever......1896

They pretty much discovered these with candle, Karosene and Dim Watt bulbs for light, and all they had were a few Lab Beakers and wooden spoons for mixing the Witches brew potions that finally worked.

Now, here in the 21rst centurey we have technology that spans the Solar system, pump untold TRILLIONS into cancer, nuro-muscular and Heart disease's yearly, just to name a few. For you simple minded Political Party Leg Humpers who have not realized it.....The Pharmaceutical Industry of today IS NOT DESIGNED too cure illness. It is designed to create Life Long Sick Customers. The Pharmaceutical Industry is a BUISINESS designed to make Profits, AND PROFITS THEY ARE A MAKE'N. And they use those Profits to keep pumping Untold TRILLIONS in to the Campaign Coffers of like minded Politicians who make sure the Profits they make keep rolling in. All with out actually Curng a damn thing. Most all Doctors and Lab Techicians today couldnt Cure a Good Ham that doesnt risk causing cancer. :-(

Not because they cant......They simply dont want to. It would be bad for their buisiness. .
Yep,,,, why would a company work on a cure for Ebola when the people dieing from it couldn't afford to buy a pill if they were $1 a dose

As much as I hate government getting involved in things we need to scrap NASA and change it into a medical research center for cancer and infectouse diseases. Would do us more good than teflon
That is horse manure. NASA is the single best government agency in the history of the United States. The work they did to put a man on the moon alone sparked the computer revolution, which if you haven't noticed is the single greatest technological advancement since the printing press, all while doing it for less than a penny on a tax dollar. You wouldn't be posting on this website if it wasn't for nasa.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
If they only use a penny on the dollar of the tax money they get where is the rest of it? The internet is a fun thing sometimes but it will be our downfall someday. China and everybody else is trying thousands of times EVERYDAY to steal our secrets and someone will crash our economy by hacking us on this "fun" internet. There is no telling how much we spend to try to keep them out, but it's a LOT!!!!!! The new head of the FBI was on 60 Minutes last night talking about this very thing.
Since I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer wcowherd, please explain to me how landing on the moon in the 60's has been beneficial to mankind?

Also, please explain to me how the computer age has benefited the quality of my life?
Originally posted by ag-man:
Since I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer wcowherd, please explain to me how landing on the moon in the 60's has been beneficial to mankind?

Also, please explain to me how the computer age has benefited the quality of my life?
Peace be with you...
Wow. If i have to explain how the Internet is a good thing, let alone the computer, it's a lost cause. I would start by saying the United States is still the most powerful and prosperous country in the world because of the computer and the Internet. We cannot compete with other countries in manufacturing, but in technology we are the world leader. So, I guess if you like living in a wealthy country, you should thank the personal computer. I really can't believe I have to explain that.

3R, the budget of nasa was $17.8B in 2012. The budget of the United states was 2.45T. That's 0.7%. Hence, less than a penny of the federal tax dollar.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Buck Commander:

Originally posted by ag-man:
Since I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer wcowherd, please explain to me how landing on the moon in the 60's has been beneficial to mankind?

Also, please explain to me how the computer age has benefited the quality of my life?
Peace be with you...
Quran 25:63

I like it Buck!
US budget ; 2.4 Trillion
National Debt ; 17.8 Trillion

The amount of money we really have...
Actually wcowherd,
You didn't explain it, you stated it.

How is the internet a good thing? Is it because it enables people to watch porn? Watch somebody beheaded? Enables pedophiles to search for young victims. Lets us post on a sports site?

How does the internet make the United States the most powerful and prosperous nation in the world? I am interested in finding this out, and would like your opinion., Google, Microsoft, instant communication and trading. All impossible without the internet. What is the advantage United States' economy has? Why, those things I just mentioned.

Are you really seriously suggesting that the Internet is bad? Instant communication, access to information in seconds, mass dissemination of information, the ability for not just those with money to have power...I could go on and on. If you really think the Internet is bad, I have no interest in explaining what is painfully self-evident. I would suggest you dump your computer and ditch your cell phone though. I assume you'd like the horse and buggy days?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Hey I'll be the first to say that the internet has been abused by its users...
lately, ISIS... but

When used correctly we lower prices for consumers, educate our youth, advance our military, and make the World a better place.

It could be argued that TV was a great thing at first ....then politics took over.
I blame MAN, not the internet.
America is about 290 years old, we have had the internet what, 15 or 20 years? America is a shell of what she use to be.
Endless abuses and deeper in debt than ever. I am not seeing the economical boost to the economy from said internet.

I would like to know how the internet makes us a better country, but in your two post you just said that it did, so I guess I will just take your word for it.
Cow the internet is in many countries and they know how to use it to their advantage, whatever that may be, and better than we do in a lot of cases.
Muslim extremists and China are not better at using the Internet than we are. Posting a video on the Internet is something any 10 year old can do, and China's best computer scientists come here to learn and many stay here and work for US companies.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I said they're better at using it to their advantage. Look at ISIS and tell me that is NOT true. China is VERY persistent in trying to hack any and everything we have on a computer anywhere. Someone will successfully hack our electrical grid or our financial sector and wreak havoc on us someday. Before the internet that would not have been possible. We are NOT safer because of the internet, we're much more vulnerable because we are so dependent on it now.

This post was edited on 10/7 9:42 PM by 3Rfan

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