I am beginning to think he could emerge as a viable candidate, despite the "socialist" label that has turned into code word for welfare. As Sanders points out, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and other Scandinanian countries are socialistic democracies with regard to health care, education, child care, and elderly care. When you think about socialism in the simplest terms, shouldn't we, as a nation, have the best interest of the whole of society as our primary guiding principles.
I may have a candidate to believe in and believe in much of what he is proposing. He is definitely not another clone of what we have gotten for a president for a long, long, time.
I am beginning to think he could emerge as a viable candidate, despite the "socialist" label that has turned into code word for welfare. As Sanders points out, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and other Scandinanian countries are socialistic democracies with regard to health care, education, child care, and elderly care. When you think about socialism in the simplest terms, shouldn't we, as a nation, have the best interest of the whole of society as our primary guiding principles.
I may have a candidate to believe in and believe in much of what he is proposing. He is definitely not another clone of what we have gotten for a president for a long, long, time.