Sanders 12 Step Program

Bogey Man

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2004

I am beginning to think he could emerge as a viable candidate, despite the "socialist" label that has turned into code word for welfare. As Sanders points out, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and other Scandinanian countries are socialistic democracies with regard to health care, education, child care, and elderly care. When you think about socialism in the simplest terms, shouldn't we, as a nation, have the best interest of the whole of society as our primary guiding principles.

I may have a candidate to believe in and believe in much of what he is proposing. He is definitely not another clone of what we have gotten for a president for a long, long, time.
I think socialism like the Scandinavian countries practice would not work in the USA. They have much smaller populations to take care of. Do I think they have some ideas we could use? Yes I do. But I'm not in favor of their type of economic setup.
Everyone says they want change but don't want to do anything about it. We continue to elect the same ol' same ol' politicians, then complain because they are all in the back pockets of big money. And we all know who really runs our country. Sanders wants to break the strangle hold that big business has on our country. Our entire domestic and foreign policy should not determined to make big business richer. That is exactly what we are getting. Hell, we all know that both parties will nominate the presidential candidate with the biggest war chest. When will we have had enough, and take our country back. Sanders is a start.
There are some qualities I actually do like about Sanders. I saw on the news last night that he doubled his approval over the last month. I really do think he is gaining steam but it's going to be hard to overtake Clinton with her 60+ million in her back pocket.
Good. Because Sanders wants reasonable gun restrictions. Glad the SG contingent is all in on the Bern man.
I would never base my vote on a candidate's position on gun control. Too many way more important issues.
I would never base my vote on a candidate's position on gun control. Too many way more important issues.

I would never base my vote on abortion or gay marriage either. But the bottom line is that the Bern man has always been for reasonable gun restrictions and you are for the Bern man. I respect the Bern man more than any other candidate at this point. He is for education, equality, fairness. He is progressive.
I would never base my vote on abortion or gay marriage either. But the bottom line is that the Bern man has always been for reasonable gun restrictions and you are for the Bern man. I respect the Bern man more than any other candidate at this point. He is for education, equality, fairness. He is progressive.

Good grief there hasn't been one politician that I have agreed with 100%. It's give and take with me. It has to be, otherwise just call me Veer.

I weigh my own issues. For me food on my families table is #1. Then I go from there.

Do you think Obama wasn't for tougher gun laws? Yeah good luck with that one.
Obama has not really made that a priority. He hardly mentioned it until he kept having to go to funerals. Now he is talking about it. The Dems strategy nationally from 2008-2012 was to not talk about it during campaigns.
Obama has not really made that a priority. He hardly mentioned it until he kept having to go to funerals. Now he is talking about it. The Dems strategy nationally from 2008-2012 was to not talk about it during campaigns.
Why hasn't he had messages for the areas like north St Louis and Chicago and Baltimore to stop the violence and killing each other? He pushed those areas hard to vote for him but he doesn't seem too interested in trying to get them to slow down the nonsense. His only messages have been cops and guns are to blame.
Idk That's exactly why a lot of folks are disappointed in how things have turned out.
Obama has not really made that a priority. He hardly mentioned it until he kept having to go to funerals. Now he is talking about it. The Dems strategy nationally from 2008-2012 was to not talk about it during campaigns.
It will still be to not talk about it, it's not an electoral winner for them.
No politician wants to come out and say that the gun violence issue is primarily a inner city, black culture issue. That would only alienate black voters. Not to say that gun violence does not happen among whites. Almost like no politician will come out on immigration and say what many Americans think - if you are not here legally, you should be deported. That position would be political suicide.
Good grief there hasn't been one politician that I have agreed with 100%. It's give and take with me. It has to be, otherwise just call me Veer.

I weigh my own issues. For me food on my families table is #1. Then I go from there.

Do you think Obama wasn't for tougher gun laws? Yeah good luck with that one.

Give and take? Go and explain what you mean.
My thread. Let's not turn this into an extension of the endless gun control debate. Plenty of other threads going to express your opinion on that issue.
Why hasn't he had messages for the areas like north St Louis and Chicago and Baltimore to stop the violence and killing each other? He pushed those areas hard to vote for him but he doesn't seem too interested in trying to get them to slow down the nonsense. His only messages have been cops and guns are to blame.

Because he's a Muslim that hates America

But he beat the crap out of anything the GOP was willing to run.