No mention of Biden's 650 million dollar deal with the S.A. to arm them with missiles? Didn't he promise not to make deals with the Pariah Saudi's as one of his campaign promises, because they had very little social redeeming value correct. But gotta keep that Military industrial complex going right, so now they are redeemable? Cause Biden says so? Make the Sale boy's....cause now they are not killing innocent women and children. They good now that Biden is in office he converted them.
I wonder what Trump said about selling arms to S.A......Oh yeah I think he said if the U.S. didn't sell it to them then they'd buy it from the Russians or Chinese so we might as well and make the profit.
I wonder what Trump said about selling arms to S.A......Oh yeah I think he said if the U.S. didn't sell it to them then they'd buy it from the Russians or Chinese so we might as well and make the profit.
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