Saint Louis Mayor, Slay, approves of a $15 minimum wage....


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2013
That makes perfect sense. Really does.

Although I wonder, how the teachers might feel that barely make more than that and require just a little more education and skill than a burger flipper? Anybody? Anybody?
That's not a group of people who exist in STL. Even an entry level teacher with a bachelor's degree is going to be clearing $20+ per hour with full benefits on top of that. For perspective, the paras make close to $15 an hour in a lot of districts and there's a huge gap in pay between a para and a new teacher.

I think $15 is too high for St. Louis, though.
That's not a group of people who exist in STL. Even an entry level teacher with a bachelor's degree is going to be clearing $20+ per hour with full benefits on top of that. For perspective, the paras make close to $15 an hour in a lot of districts and there's a huge gap in pay between a para and a new teacher.

I think $15 is too high for St. Louis, though.

Wife taught at Mehlville. South County, unless they make more in the inner city she did not make more than $20 an hour.
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Wife taught at Mehlville. South County, unless they make more in the inner city she did not make more than $20 an hour.

Teacher pay in Mehlville starts at over $36,000. That's over $20/hr. And that ignores benefits.

I agree $15 is too high, FWIW, for St. Louis, let alone rural MO. $9-$10 is more reasonable in St. Louis.
Teacher pay in Mehlville starts at over $36,000. That's over $20/hr. And that ignores benefits.

I agree $15 is too high, FWIW, for St. Louis, let alone rural MO. $9-$10 is more reasonable in St. Louis.

How are you coming up with over $20/hr before benefits? That's $18 an hour before insurance.
There's no requirement under Federal or Missouri law to provide paid time off. Teachers do not work 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year with no vacation, no sick leave, or no holidays.

The insurance part is not relevant.
You're smoking some of snoop dogs stash. My wife and many others work more than me and others doing the 9-5.

It's cute you tried though. And the fact it's that close proves my point. SMDH
I had a board member tell a teacher who was complaining about what the coaches were making in comparison to the classroom teacher, he told her it was her choice, if she wanted more apply for one of the coaching positions. Not too tactful but people pick their poison. She chose to teach, just think how much you guys could make if she had a part time job at Mickey D's. JK. Teaching is the most under paid profession I know of when all things are considered.