Crickets getting louder
Still Stalking. Pathetic.
I hear ya, stable genius! The house of cards is crumbling. With everything happening in the US right now, trumpy's attention is focused on twitter!! That's almost laughable if it wasn't so disturbing..Why?? Because it's about HIM.
Pretty soon you will figure out that Biden doesn’t have to get better. He can lay low and just let Trump be Trump. He keeps getting worse and worse.
Older white women are swinging toward Biden. People who don’t like either candidate are strongly leaning toward Biden. Trump in Trouble, bruh.
... and where Trump is concerned, it is only going to et worse !Pretty soon you will figure out that Biden doesn’t have to get better. He can lay low and just let Trump be Trump. He keeps getting worse and worse.
Older white women are swinging toward Biden. People who don’t like either candidate are strongly leaning toward Biden. Trump in Trouble, bruh.
Trump must lose in all 50 states and take the Senate down with him. There must be a thorough repudiation of him, what he stands for, and what brought him to power so our country can start to heal. White America is broken, and has much reckoning to do. It starts with ending him!
Trump must lose in all 50 states and take the Senate down with him. There must be a thorough repudiation of him, what he stands for, and what brought him to power so our country can start to heal. White America is broken, and has much reckoning to do. It starts with ending him!