Republicans/Conservatives I hope you are proud


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
I don't understand how you don't see the laughing stock your party has become. It started when you thought a good ol' boy could be president and you gave us W. That let people like Joe the Plumber think he could be a congressman. People like Herman Cain thought a simple policy like 9-9-9 could run the tax code. Now you have Donald Trump leading the polls with NO policy plans to speak of. Second is an intelligent man of science, a world renowned neurosurgeon completely ignoring science to pander to the right. Including hypocritical statements about fetal tissue, after he used it in his own work, and ignoring science when it comes to global warming. These 2 have 40% of the Republican vote, and they have ZERO experience in government.
Last but not least, how can you not be embarrassed by this lady?

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