Race narrative...very sad

CNN and MS NBC were too busy reporting how this was going to be such and historical day because Harris became the first woman of color to be nominated as VP. Which isn’t really true
CNN and MS NBC were too busy reporting how this was going to be such and historical day because Harris became the first woman of color to be nominated as VP. Which isn’t really true
Why isn't it true?
I want to know who came before. I like to learn things. A shame you don't.
I guess that’s how they are stating it. I googled it before she was announced and that is where I got that answer
If this little boy was black and shot by a white person all hell would break loose. Rioting and looting all over the USA. It’s a shame the media has to be so bias
When you mispronounce Kamala, it's racist. Shoot a little boy in the head, not racist.
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Sad story. One of hundreds every day in this country. We going to get all emotional over every senseless killing but not worry about 170,000 other families who are also sad AF today?

CNN attempted to start a race war over a black ex-con getting killed by a cop, but won't even mention a 5 year old boy was shot in the face by a black man until days after the event.

And when they do mention it, they do everything they can to avoid a racial angle.

Why is that?

This crap wouldn’t happen so often if every time someone gets pissed and loses their temper there wasnt a gun readily available for them. But carry on with your fake outrage.

The murderer was an ex-con and shouldn't have even had a gun.

Criminals don't care about the law.

Funny how when things like this happen it's virtually never someone who has registered their guns. It's always someone with either:

A. A history of mental illness.
B. Someone on SSRI meds.
C. Someone with a criminal history.
D. Some combination of A-C

But keep blaming guns to avoid the theme of this thread.
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