Question for Democrats...

Scout 4u

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2009
Conservatives will concede that the presidential election the past 6 years has been owned by the liberals. 2016 we also understand will probably be won by Hillary Clinton. My question to you is...
Why should we care?

Now that the States have been over run with Conservative leadership, Washington has no power over US...
Why should we care if you have control of Missouri?
The one thing the people you vote for keep trying to
do is destroy the teacher profession, get control of local
schools and grab our pensions. And each time the voters
bitch slap you back to reality. What has actually been
accomplished in Missouri? The tea party idiocy was installed
in Kansas and it has destroyed the state's finances. People
in Missouri are smarter than that.

Missouri, like Washington has really accomplished nothing
other than waste time and resources on lost causes. Congrats
for nothing. Regarding Washington don't get too comfy.

In 2016, the GOP's Senate tea party wave will be up, with Republicans
defending 26 seats while Democrats are on the line in just 10 races.
Republicans will be forced to defend seats in New Hampshire, Illinois,
Pennsylvania, Ohio and several other states that are likely to go
Democratic in the presidential election
I assume you live in Missouri, one state of 50. Taking control of the majority will take time and agreed, liberal strong holds will fall back to Democrats.
My question is more about the presidency. Explain to me how you plan to educate your base, minorities and young people to come out and vote for State Representatives.
How old are you?

This election was very similar to 1980.
There was a wave of anti Carter voting
that was so strong even counties that were
strongly Democratic threw out Dems all
the way down to county positions.

In presidential election years, young people and
minorities will swarm the polls again. What are
you going to do to win their support? What is your
agenda? Freeze the minimum wage? Control the
schools? Stop gay marriage? Mirror Kansas' collapse?
Keep fighting the war on drugs? Good luck.
Just saying, without going around Congress...
What good is the Presidency if the States simply ignore his or her mandates?

I believe what we're talking here is a Divided America, not a United one.
Because the power in the Federal government is tilting toward the Executive Branch and has been since GWB took over.

The lack of will in Congress to do anything creates a vacuum that is getting filled by the Executive.
Originally posted by Scout 4u:
Just saying, without going around Congress...
What good is the Presidency if the States simply ignore his or her mandates?

I believe what we're talking here is a Divided America, not a United one.
States don't ignore mandates that often.

You're also ignoring the fact that there is an entire branch of the Federal government dedicated to enacting the policies of the Executive, there's a pretty strong enforcement mechanism in place. The vast majority of what the Feds do has zero to do with the states. States aren't stopping taxes, Medicare, SS, defense, FCC, SEC, EPA, FDIC, Federal Reserve, etc.

This post was edited on 11/5 10:04 AM by Neutron Monster
The most notable thing about this election is what it means if there is a Supreme Court vacancy in the next two years.
You will see a Republican President in two years as well as gains in both houses.

Very good chance there will be a Hispanic woman VP on the Republican Ticket. After O'Bama did zero of what he told the Hispanic voters he was going to do why should they vote for another democrat, much less an old white woman
So you think Obama SHOULD use executive orders to get a change in immigration? Maybe you didn't notice the same people/states that voted in republicans have also voted for polices that republicans don't want like minimum wage hikes and legalizing marijuana.
Originally posted by Stevedangos:
You will see a Republican President in two years as well as gains in both houses.

Very good chance there will be a Hispanic woman VP on the Republican Ticket. After O'Bama did zero of what he told the Hispanic voters he was going to do why should they vote for another democrat, much less an old white woman
Don't count your chickens...

Seriously, the Ds are still the favorites in a Presidential election if you look at the electoral map. Of course, we don't know who the candidates are yet nor do we know how the world will look in November 2016, and that's important, but the Senate election in 2014 doesn't really tell you that the Rs are the party of choice on an electoral college basis. Look at the Senate seats the Rs won - most of them are in seats the Rs won in 2012 (exceptions being CO and IA). The lack of a flip in NH and VA should concern Rs - VA especially; that's a state that has to flip if the Rs are going to win the White House in 2016.

The electorate of 2016 will be different than the electorate of 2014 just as the electorate of 2012 was different than the electorate of 2010.

The Dems also have an advantage of having a good candidate available to run who seems likely to sail through the primaries. The Rs are likely to have a battle on their hands. In the world of 2016, having an inevitable candidate is a good thing because it allows you to save your $$$ for the general election and to start locking up media ad buys early (this was an underreported advantage for Obama over Romney).
Last I checked, Arizona ignored President Obama's demand to stop SB1070. In other states the Federal Mandate to start Market Places for the ACA were also ignored. Holding back Federal Funds as ransom has not worked on most Republicans and will not work on the Tea Party Conservatives.
Originally posted by Scout 4u:
Last I checked, Arizona ignored President Obama's demand to stop SB1070. In other states the Federal Mandate to start Market Places for the ACA were also ignored. Holding back Federal Funds as ransom has not worked on most Republicans and will not work on the Tea Party Conservatives.
uhh...that's the best you can come up with?

SB 1070 was a state law. There's no Federal mandate here. The law was sued in court and adjudicated. Parts were overturned as violating the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution. To the extent the law encroached on Federal law, it was overruled by the Supreme Court.

Every state has an insurance marketplace...that's the kind of thing I'm talking about. That didn't stop anything. Medicaid expansion would be a better example of this point, although the states didn't really stop that; the Supreme Court did.

Holding back funds has worked well for a long time; there's a reason the DUI limit is .08 and the drinking age is 21 everywhere. There's a reason state unemployment funds and welfare funds are designed the way they are. And so on.
MSNBC exit polling had any Republican presidential candidate beating Clinton by ten points.

They are about as liberal as it comes
No I don't think that at all. Early in his first term he had majority control in both houses and didn't even bother with it.
President Obama is clueless and people in this country finally realize it
Obama Care is the ACA...

Democrats voted for it...

Democrats passed it....

Democrats Own it ....

This election was about Democrats over stepping their authority .
Don't say it was about Barack Obama or George Bush.

The American people along with many long time Democrats just dumped liberalism.
If you are right then your boys will destroy the ACA and let insurance companies boot your family off for pre existing conditions and reinstate lifetime benefit caps. When that doesn't happen, feel free to admit you are wrong again.

I am still waiting to read your list of major accomplishments the MO state legislature has implemented the last few years and what is your boy Mitch McConnell's agenda for 2015? Lets analyze how many things go as planned.
Originally posted by Duck_walk:
If you are right then your boys will destroy the ACA and let insurance companies boot your family off for pre existing conditions and reinstate lifetime benefit caps. When that doesn't happen, feel free to admit you are wrong again.

I am still waiting to read your list of major accomplishments the MO state legislature has implemented the last few years and what is your boy Mitch McConnell's agenda for 2015? Lets analyze how many things go as planned.
Did you soil yourself?
Scout I guess you haven't heard that the increase in healthcare costs in the last year were lower than they've been in 50 years, unlike all the dire predictions that costs would skyrocket under the ACA.
Originally posted by Stevedangos:
MSNBC exit polling had any Republican presidential candidate beating Clinton by ten points.

They are about as liberal as it comes

The poll data are pretty consistent to date that there's no such advantage for the Reps in 2016.

Further, national average isn't what you should be looking at; what matters is the polls in swing states.

Exit polls for 2014 are also going to overstate 2016 R support in all likelihood; the electorate of Presidential years is generally younger and less white (i.e. more Dem).

Lastly, there won't be Generic R on the ballot, there will be a name, and whoever that is will have an impact on the vote (good or bad)
This post was edited on 11/5 3:50 PM by Neutron Monster
Originally posted by Duck_walk:
If you are right then your boys will destroy the ACA and let insurance companies boot your family off for pre existing conditions and reinstate lifetime benefit caps. When that doesn't happen, feel free to admit you are wrong again.

I am still waiting to read your list of major accomplishments the MO state legislature has implemented the last few years and what is your boy Mitch McConnell's agenda for 2015? Lets analyze how many things go as planned.
The #1 dirty little secret of American politics is that no one on either side of the aisle really expects the ACA to actually be repealed. Many Republicans talk like they do, but they know the real course of action is to make changes to the bill such as repealing the medical device tax and/or increasing the definition of a full time worker to someone who works 40 hours a week.

Obamacare isn't going anywhere.
Originally posted by Scout 4u:
Obama Care is the ACA...

Democrats voted for it...

Democrats passed it....

Democrats Own it ....

This election was about Democrats over stepping their authority .
Don't say it was about Barack Obama or George Bush.

The American people along with many long time Democrats just dumped liberalism.
This is directly in opposition to most of the campaign ads I saw, the main campaign was "we aren't Obama/Reid/Pelosi" not "we aren't Democrats."

Even the ACA didn't feature nearly as prominently in ads as one might have expected.
Originally posted by 3Rfan:
Scout I guess you haven't heard that the increase in healthcare costs in the last year were lower than they've been in 50 years, unlike all the dire predictions that costs would skyrocket under the ACA.
Those were the "grand opening" prices. When the new rates are anounced, let me know how you see it then.
Don't know the numbers for sure but if the pubs didn't get enough moderates to get things done without the tea party members then nothing will change because they will once again be held hostage and spend the next 2 years trying to impeach the Pres. as the rest of us suffer
You should not care.
Please do not care, and tell your conservative friends not to.
Go ahead and let the Democrats elect the first woman president!
Hillary has already been president for two terms. Why not give Bill a try?
Originally posted by vbsideout:
Don't know the numbers for sure but if the pubs didn't get enough moderates to get things done without the tea party members then nothing will change because they will once again be held hostage and spend the next 2 years trying to impeach the Pres. as the rest of us suffer
Congress became more polarized on both sides this week.
If polarization means blocking legislation that you feel is unjust then so be it.
There's a lot of information out. Filings with state insurers, statements from public companies in their quarterly calls about the expected change in rates, etc.

There will be sensational headlines on both sides because the result will vary by state, but the truth is the increases are going to be in the low- mid single digits overall based on the premium filings made with state regulators:

This level of premium increases is consistent with the change in employer-provided care during 2014.

Beyond the change in cost, the filings show more insurers are opting to offer plans on the exchanges - a sign that the exchanges are developing as expected.

This post was edited on 11/7 12:11 PM by Neutron Monster

This post was edited on 11/7 12:11 PM by Neutron Monster
Originally posted by Neutron Monster:
There's a lot of information out. Filings with state insurers, statements from public companies in their quarterly calls about the expected change in rates, etc.

There will be sensational headlines on both sides because the result will vary by state, but the truth is the increases are going to be in the low- mid single digits overall based on the premium filings made with state regulators:

This level of premium increases is consistent with the change in employer-provided care during 2014.

Beyond the change in cost, the filings show more insurers are opting to offer plans on the exchanges - a sign that the exchanges are developing as expected.

This post was edited on 11/7 12:11 PM by Neutron Monster

This post was edited on 11/7 12:11 PM by Neutron Monster
Ours went up another 9%
Average this year is closer to 5% for employer plans. Lower than it once was but still more than CPI.

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