Pro CCP Statements

I heard when Trump is flipping thru the channels at night, if he sees a Jackie Chan movie on he always watches it.
Trump said at one of his campaign this was "another hoax." Of course I'm sure you being a 'new member' you probably weren't paying any attention back then. :rolleyes:
Not following. I think you want to reply for your own reasons and not to share.
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Continue taking the high road, 3R. I've never seen you post personal insults or attacks. I respect that!!
3R and Joe Biden have the same mental faculties.
Nope. 3R can and usually doe make legible sentences. He is badly brainwashed by the liberal media but he is sincere.
There are guys at work who are FAR from political creatures who keep saying they just feel sorry for Joe and don't understand how he can literally survive this.
I agree.

Postings that are misguided, ill-informed, (willfully?) ignorant, disingenuous, etc...but almost always good-natured and friendly.

3R is one of my favorite proglefticoms on this little corner of the interwebz.
I have no idea what that is, so I'll take in stride. :p
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