Home of the brave land of the rich!!!!
I mean, you could try to read the article or similar articles before posting.Everything you guys hate about politicians seems to be something Cruz isn't a part of. He's had more hard money contributions than anyone.
Where does Hillary rate next to Jeb?
I mean, you could try to read the article or similar articles before posting.
Looking at the campaigns only and not super pacs leads to misguided conclusions like this. Cruz has multiple donors who have each funded 10 M+ to a super PAC for him. One of those donors is a shale gas billionaire family. That is the definition of a plutocrat. There is a U.S. News article about this if you want to look up a source. There are countless other sources that have covered the names of major super pac donors since they are required to disclose donors of $200 or more.
Further, there is a republican who is nearly entirely funded by small donors: Rand Paul. He has a couple libertarian donors but nothing similar to the scale of other major candidates. And trump is self funding.
What I value is immaterial. I just think it's bad for America that you have no chance to run a real presidential campaign without raising tens or hundreds of millions from really rich people.
Hell, you need millions to even run for congress now.
http://www.politico.com/story/2015/08/new-gingrich-questions-legality-jeb-bush-super-pac-120954.html too good not to share, read this right after I posted.Because you belong to that person or corporation when there is unlimited giving.
The way it works right now, there's no way you can win a competitive office without being a gazillionaire yourself or without the help of them. That's a major problem - it means the political system is set up to support the whims of rich people on both sides.
Look at Gingrich in 2012 - his campaign existed because of Sheldon Adelson. That's silly.
Because you belong to that person or corporation when there is unlimited giving.
The way it works right now, there's no way you can win a competitive office without being a gazillionaire yourself or without the help of them. That's a major problem - it means the political system is set up to support the whims of rich people on both sides.
Look at Gingrich in 2012 - his campaign existed because of Sheldon Adelson. That's silly.