Pleasant Hope 1 - Portageville 0


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2002
A Portageville player hit a 2 run home run in the 7th but PH questioned whether or not the batter touched home plate and the 1st base umpire said she did not and she was called out.
I was there yesterday. I wish I had been watching to see the call. Man talk about crowd reaction, on both sides for that matter. I feel bad for the player as I'm sure could not feel any worse. Of course while that one play is everyone's focus, that really did not cost the game. There are a number of plays in every game, either didn't get a hit or didn't make a play. Win as a team lose as a team.
I was told today it was the runner on base ahead of the HR that did not touch home plate. I was wondering why it wasn't tied at 1 if the batter was the one that missed the plate. Was there rotation of the umps or why was the 1st base ump the one making the call?
The spirit of that rule is to make sure players touch the bases on a contested play.
A homerun over the fence is not a contested play. The ump who made that call should
never ump another game as long as he lives. Portageville outhit that team 9-1 and deserved
to win that game. Common sense did not prevail.

This post was edited on 10/27 7:50 PM by runyouover

Watch the video--the ump couldnt see the plate
I don't know if she touched or didn't touch the base but the actual "spirit of the rule" is not written anywhere. However the goal of every umpire is to get the call correct.
The actual rule...

Touching Bases in Legal Order
a. An advancing runner shall touch first, second, third and then home plate in order
b. Offensive player could be ruled out on proper appeal.

a. Any runner who has missed a base may not retouch it if a following runner has scored or once she leaves the
field of play.

I can completely understand the abuse I'm going to take on this but, as a coach/parent, rules are rules and umpires are there for a reason.
I've never heard it's only the spirit of the rule. If you miss a base and an appeal is made the call is out or safe, not in this case the rule doesn't apply. I don't understand why the home plate ump allowed the 1st base ump to make the call form his position on the field, there was no rotation on the play so the home plate ump was the only one that could have seen it.

This post was edited on 10/28 1:51 PM by 3Rfan
The only rotation that might have happened would be if 3rd base went out to check hit ball then HP would have 3rd and 1st would have home.
I've coached about 15 years at varsity level, gotten to know a ton of great and not-so great umpires and a couple confided that missing a base on a HR is not that uncommon.
I was at Killion and heard the crowd but didn't go investigate.
Hell, Pleasant Hope lost a game this season cause on a bases loaded walk, a player missed home plate.
There is no doubt that rule is enforced many times if it's seen by an umpire and appealed properly. I thought there might a rotation because if the ball didn't leave the park the HP ump might have a play at 3rd but with 3 umpires that probably wouldn't happen anyway. Watching the video it shows the HP ump standing looking at HP and pointing when the first runner crossed HP. With the other players crowded around HP there is NO way the 1st base ump could have seen anything. I can't imagine why the HP ump deferred to him on that call. I would guess there will be new rule put in place that does not allow players to gather at HP after a HR. They "should" not get any closer than the on deck circle and probably shouldn't leave the dugout until the play is over. There's plenty of time to celebrate after it's a dome deal. The game was not going to end on that play anyway. P'ville would have had another batter and still had to get 3 outs to win it.

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