Perspective for All the Trump Haters

Today’s media would have torn Churchill apart due to his personal life. He partied like it was 1999. Not that he would have cared.
looks like death count in New York is half of yesterday and overall new cases are less today in US? Not too shabby.
US identified cases are up 30-35% from Thursday to Sunday (and they grew by 2,000 from Sat to Sun, they didn't decline.) Data are also noisy from one day to the next; you can't draw conclusions on one day of data. There's also likely some lags in data reporting on weeks.

The US has ramped up testing, but it isn't quite the ramp that you'd hope. Testing has roughly plateaued over the last few days...we're still not catching nearly everything. The rate at which tests come in positive has not declined, which is what you really want to see if the pandemic is declining and our testing is becoming more encompassing.

New York is probably ahead of the rest of the country in terms of getting to a peak. The US has a number of places (NO, Detroit, Florida, ATL, and Chicago) where things are clearly still getting worse.

Every bit of decent evidence we have is that the US is still on track to get worse for the next week or two. NYC might start getting better, but other places like Texas closed later (or aren't even closed) and they will have lagging outcomes.
With so few tests being administered and a time lag in getting results, I don't think we can draw any conclusions at this point. If people get their stimulus checks and timely unemployment checks, not to mention most people are still working, I hope we can hold on a few more weeks. MO is a couple weeks from peaking.
With so few tests being administered and a time lag in getting results, I don't think we can draw any conclusions at this point. If people get their stimulus checks and timely unemployment checks, not to mention most people are still working, I hope we can hold on a few more weeks. MO is a couple weeks from peaking.
Missouri is up 600% over the last week.
or are they? We don't know how many people have it. No idea. How many have gone untested that have it? And how long has it been here?

Stats are only useful if they are reliable. And they aren't
It is true that looking at raw counts has a significant bias due to testing rate. But it's almost certainly true that Missouri has more sick people than it did a week or two ago.
Yes. Colds, flus, and allergies are all in season still too. I’m not saying it isn’t going up... but that any percentage or tally is inaccurate
deaths are usually more accurate than anything else. There are bodies. Now, they're still generally underreported, as not everyone is tested and the system is just overwhelmed in some of these countries. How full your hospitals/ERs are is generally not a bad metric, either.

Case counts, you're better off looking at a model and assuming it's a wide range vs. looking at raw testing data. Given the testing rate to date in the US plus the number of people who likely have little/no symptoms, the recorded # of positive tests is vastly exceeded by the # of individuals who actually have the virus. It also likely varies significantly from location to location due to differences in testing rate.
or are they? We don't know how many people have it. No idea. How many have gone untested that have it? And how long has it been here?

Stats are only useful if they are reliable. And they aren't
I would guess they used the stats they have, not what they don't have.
I would guess they used the stats they have, not what they don't have.
Yes...which shouldn't be used to make great conclusions. Think about how much the proposed death toll has gone up down and around? We have no idea on this stuff.

That's my point. We don't need to act based on every whim and tally.

But, we can be cautious and responsible while we wait.
Yes...which shouldn't be used to make great conclusions. Think about how much the proposed death toll has gone up down and around? We have no idea on this stuff.

That's my point. We don't need to act based on every whim and tally.

But, we can be cautious and responsible while we wait.

Does this also mean we should wait on testing and valid hard scientific data for the hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin cocktail before going all-in?

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