Page has done it

So it starts on September will be reviewed again on??????????
20% positive rate is way too high. There is a simple solution to move the seasons to an alternative fall season. You guys that post are from smaller areas where the infection rate is low St. Lois County is very populated and much different situation. Seckman High School had to cancel this week due to the virus. You can't just play the administration of every school is required to follow the health experts and sports don't take precedent over the school. I feel bad for the kids but I would feel worse if a lot of them get very ill. A football player in Div. 2 school died of the virus this week.
A football player in Div. 2 school died of the virus this week.
I know it doesn't fit the agenda of the weak-minded and scared, but the school has retracted their statement (what all the major media outlets sourced) about his cause of death. Sorry to be the one to burst the bubble on that 1 in 200,000 case cherry-picked example. Even it seems to be bogus. Shocker.
Fyi, that 20% positive rate is 39 kids, they have only tested roughly 200 kid
Weak minded? Really? And they have an agenda. What is that agenda?
For the life of me, that’s what I can’t figure out. But my best guess is, Trump downplayed this. Now the left is running with ANYTHING they can to somehow prove him wrong. FTR, I’m no Trumper. Didn’t vote for him in 2016. More than likely won’t in 2020. But this is literally the only conclusion I can come to.
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You're such a brave badass.
Not brave. Probably closer to the opposite. The media literally had me scared to death from March to late May. The first building I entered outside of my own home since mid-March was an ER in late May. Met the wrong end of a mandolin slicer. Bled for three hours before I finally relented and went. I was scared to death to catch the virus and bring it home to my family. Then I had two or three conversations with the NP and ER docs there. Then another a week later with my family doc. One more with a doc in our neighborhood. Then I started reading. A lot. What I am now is informed outside of what mainstream media is selling. I’m not very smart, but I’m not a moron any longer. Hopefully the rest of the country comes around. The kids of this country deserve better.
Not brave. Probably closer to the opposite. The media literally had me scared to death from March to late May. The first building I entered outside of my own home since mid-March was an ER in late May. Met the wrong end of a mandolin slicer. Bled for three hours before I finally relented and went. I was scared to death to catch the virus and bring it home to my family. Then I had two or three conversations with the NP and ER docs there. Then another a week later with my family doc. One more with a doc in our neighborhood. Then I started reading. A lot. What I am now is informed outside of what mainstream media is selling. I’m not very smart, but I’m not a moron any longer. Hopefully the rest of the country comes around. The kids of this country deserve better.
Careful with the logical and fact based posts on here! You'll find yourself a Doc Guy before you know it!
If Trump had told every governor in the U.S. what he told Bob Woodward on Feb 7, acted in a proactive manner on PPE, and had a solid testing plan with guidelines for all the states. it is likely we would have 100,000+ fewer deaths, Sam Page would probably be much more popular right now and Trump would have easily been re-elected despite being a conman traitor.
See, that’s just it. Lots of ifs and buts. Nothing concrete. Concrete are the numbers. And while AWFUL for the people affected, the numbers don’t tell the same story that’s being sold to the American public. And that is the unfortunate part for a lot of kids that deserve far better than what they’re getting.
If Trump had told every governor in the U.S. what he told Bob Woodward on Feb 7, acted in a proactive manner on PPE, and had a solid testing plan with guidelines for all the states. it is likely we would have 100,000+ fewer deaths, Sam Page would probably be much more popular right now and Trump would have easily been re-elected despite being a conman traitor.
Man you really believe all that BS?
Are you telling me if on Feb 7th Trump had notified the governor of Louisiana that a deadly killer virus was heading our way, that the gov would have allowed Mardi Gras to take place the last week of February? That State was subsequently ravaged with covid-19. Their “15 cases” didn’t get down to Zero. It wasn’t a “hoax.” They weren’t “opened up by Easter”. Trump lied and people died. Get your head out of his ..... for one minute. He doesn’t even respect soldiers.
It’s almost as if President Trump (and obviously his advisors) didn’t think the virus was/is the deadly killer others do. And he didn’t/doesn’t think it’s worthy of shutting down an entire country.
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tell that to the 200,000 families of the dead and those with long term organ damage. Numbers unmatched in any other country. But you are frustrated so let’s ignore them.
Would I have had to tell the 192,000 that were beating down death’s door anyway? Do you have proof of organ damage due to the virus? Of course you don’t. That kind of research literally takes YEARS. And then is still debatable. The Michigan professor that cited myocarditis as an effect has zero scientific evidence to back his claims. None. The few athletes he found evidence of myocarditis in could’ve had it from birth. Or it could’ve been caused from the virus. Nobody knows. And won’t for quite some time. Again, literally YEARS...This argument is one of my two issues. Duck, if you think it’s this bad just stay home. In turn, let those that prescribe to a different belief live their life. It’s an easy concept. And tell your party not run a huge b@&$? or a senile old fart, and maybe your party could win the White House back. And get my vote as well.
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Sorry. The “I love America but I can’t sacrifice for America” crowd has me fired up tonight.
Sacrificing for a fraction of Americans, isn’t proof of love for America. Just like hindering the educational and social development of kids and young adults across the country isn’t loving America either. Median age of death is 78. 70% of deaths were 70+ yrs old and had at least two major underlying factors. Being an American is realizing we can’t sacrifice the development of the future of our country for that very small percentage. Death sucks. And it’s hard. None of this is easy, but the notion that not loving your country is somehow correlated to be being okay with those dying is short-sighted and weak. I hate what is happening to those people. I hate more what is happening to the other 99% of the country, especially the youth.
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It’s almost as if President Trump (and obviously his advisors) didn’t think the virus was/is the deadly killer others do. And he didn’t/doesn’t think it’s worthy of shutting down an entire country.
Except he DID shut down the entire country for 6 weeks in March & April.
Except he DID shut down the entire country for 6 weeks in March & April.
Did he? That's an honest question. Keep in mind, I only paid attention to mainstream media until mid May. I know in our situation, everything that was closed was due to local control. Local school boards (until Parsons mandated from state level, but many districts were already closed), city and county governments were making the decision. I know there was a travel ban. Not sure that's really "shutting down" a country. Subjective, I know.
20% positive rate is way too high. There is a simple solution to move the seasons to an alternative fall season. You guys that post are from smaller areas where the infection rate is low St. Lois County is very populated and much different situation. Seckman High School had to cancel this week due to the virus. You can't just play the administration of every school is required to follow the health experts and sports don't take precedent over the school. I feel bad for the kids but I would feel worse if a lot of them get very ill. A football player in Div. 2 school died of the virus this week.
Can someone explain to my why the % positive of tests is important? Not saying it isn't, just don't understand why. Seems like that metric could be significantly skewed by multiple factors such as availability of tests, criteria threshold for testing, mass testing events, and employers that mandate proactive bulk testing among people with no real reason to test, etc.

I would think a more meaningful number to follow is active cases or active cases as a % of total population and are active cases trending up or down. But you don't see those metrics anywhere. Just total case counts dating back to March.
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If Trump had told every governor in the U.S. what he told Bob Woodward on Feb 7, acted in a proactive manner on PPE, and had a solid testing plan with guidelines for all the states. it is likely we would have 100,000+ fewer deaths, Sam Page would probably be much more popular right now and Trump would have easily been re-elected despite being a conman traitor.

And Joe Biden doesn't have dementia.
Are you telling me if on Feb 7th Trump had notified the governor of Louisiana that a deadly killer virus was heading our way, that the gov would have allowed Mardi Gras to take place the last week of February? That State was subsequently ravaged with covid-19. Their “15 cases” didn’t get down to Zero. It wasn’t a “hoax.” They weren’t “opened up by Easter”. Trump lied and people died. Get your head out of his ..... for one minute. He doesn’t even respect soldiers.

Keep drinkin.....
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Can someone explain to my why the % positive of tests is important? Not saying it isn't, just don't understand why. Seems like that metric could be significantly skewed by multiple factors such as availability of tests, criteria threshold for testing, mass testing events, and employers that mandate proactive bulk testing among people with no real reason to test, etc.

I would think a more meaningful number to follow is active cases or active cases as a % of total population and are active cases trending up or down. But you don't see those metrics anywhere. Just total case counts dating back to March.

The positive rate is not meaningful especially for teenagers. Not one teenager is getting tested unless he is practically sure he has it is going to get tested. That means 20% of the people who know they have it really do have it. IMO
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Are you telling me if on Feb 7th Trump had notified the governor of Louisiana that a deadly killer virus was heading our way, that the gov would have allowed Mardi Gras to take place the last week of February? That State was subsequently ravaged with covid-19. Their “15 cases” didn’t get down to Zero. It wasn’t a “hoax.” They weren’t “opened up by Easter”. Trump lied and people died. Get your head out of his ..... for one minute. He doesn’t even respect soldiers.
oRaNgE mAn bAd
keep smokin
The article you reference, while published by a magazine who couldn't be more liberal and left, has been completely refuted by people who were actually there as opposed to the "anonymous sources" that seem to conveniently come up with this sh!t. The guy is a jerk, most of the time but accusing him of bashing dead soldiers is idiotic.
keep smokin
He just bashed McCain this week. Bahahahahaha

He bashed the Gold Star family before the last election.

Is it really that hard to imagine. He called the military brass dopes and babies. That’s EXACTLY who the man is. Yes, it sucks that we elected someone this awful. Step one is admitting there is a problem. You can do it.

Keep crying my leftist tears mug is full.
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Since most on the left call it “Worse then any viral pandemic ever” it’s closer to a hoax then to the worst pandemic ever, since I keep it literal. There’s people on the left btw (you I’m sure. 99 percent sure) who are buying the USPS hoax, so glass house sir, glass house. There’s nobody to blame for lack of funding for the USPS then the USPS, my grandad has worked for them for 40 years + they haven’t been ran well for about 3 decades. I would say stick to football? But the comprehension for that sucks too. So I’m not sure.
Since most on the left call it “Worse then any viral pandemic ever” it’s closer to a hoax then to the worst pandemic ever, since I keep it literal. There’s people on the left btw (you I’m sure. 99 percent sure) who are buying the USPS hoax, so glass house sir, glass house. There’s nobody to blame for lack of funding for the USPS then the USPS, my grandad has worked for them for 40 years + they haven’t been ran well for about 3 decades. I would say stick to football? But the comprehension for that sucks too. So I’m not sure.
Head of the post office said they have billions in funds and cash on hand is not an issue for at least the next year. The problem is they continue to lose billions of dollars every year and fundamental changes must be made to make the post office at least a break even entity
Head of the post office said they have billions in funds and cash on hand is not an issue for at least the next year. The problem is they continue to lose billions of dollars every year and fundamental changes must be made to make the post office at least a break even entity

They have nobody to blame but themselves and evolving industry. There’s nothing conspiracy about it. Amazon and others will continue to change how we do things.
Cox Health lost a 40yo CNA yesterday. Wonder how her children's "development" is going to go?

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