Going to see it Tuesday.
On a related note, I'm not sure if yuns out of the STL area have followed this recent story....
Coldwater Creek was contaminated with radioactive waste generated when Mallinckrodt Chemical processed uranium in the 1940s and 1950s for atomic weapons. The waste was initially stored at Lambert Airport, near the creek, then later trucked to an industrial area that also borders the creek.Mar 21, 2023
An elementary school near Coldwater Creek was shut down after high levels of radiation were discovered on the property. 200 acres in that area have been condemned. Stories are coming out about a long history of high cancer rates including children in the area. Residents say children have played in the creek for generations not knowing of the risk.
News reporting Mallinckrodt and the US government have known all along and choose to do nothing. It certainly makes me wonder how many other radioactive sites are out there that our US government knows about and hoping to keep buried. I bet we would be astonished.