One Rule that Would end Private Schools ever Winning anything.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2016
Kansas City, MO
Open Selective Enrollment.

Amendment to the MSHSAA rules:

1) Transferring for Athletic Reasons:
A student WILL BE eligible to compete at a new school if the transfer is for athletic reasons
(dislikes the coach at former school, hopes for more playing time at new school, chance to be on a better team, hoping for more “exposure”, etc).

2) Enrollment will be open to any available school within the state of Missouri.

3) Applications for outside district enrollment must be approved by the Principal of the receiving school. (NOTE: Of course, after review and approval by the coaching staff...)

To participate in this process, School Boards must declare their schools as Selective Enrollment Schools. (SES)

Private Schools (and public schools that opt for SES status) will all be considered (SES) schools for the purpose of interscholastic Competition.

Example: Football will have 5 classes: 1 to 5 for non-SES competition. 3 Classes for SES competition.

If your public school is good enough, has the right coaching staffs, are competitive enough, have the right facilities, then SES status is it.

Practical application:

Schools like Staley, Fort, Blue Springs, LSW, LSN, Liberty, Liberty North, would be likely to go SES.

Schools like NKC, Raytown South, Truman, William Chrisman. Not likely to go SES.


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Good luck with that, spanky. A year without a SWMO high school playing for a state championship in football doesn’t constitute an emergency for ADs in every other high school.

You guys are a gift that keeps on giving.
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The proposed SES schools would then become viewed as "Athletic" institutions, I can say with a great deal of certainty that most school boards will not want that distinction. 2) what does available mean? Space?? 3) out of district enrollment is approved at the district offices and those who make these decisions are not likely to relinquish this responsibility.
The proposed SES schools would then become viewed as "Athletic" institutions, I can say with a great deal of certainty that most school boards will not want that distinction. 2) what does available mean? Space?? 3) out of district enrollment is approved at the district offices and those who make these decisions are not likely to relinquish this responsibility.

1) In the context of there being the distinction, some school boards would strongly desire to have the distinction.

2) "Availble" SES Approved.

3) The rules changes approval. All approvals for incoming students are approved by the Principal of the receiving school.
Good luck with that, spanky. A year without a SWMO high school playing for a state championship in football doesn’t constitute an emergency for ADs in every other high school.

You guys are a gift that keeps on giving.

Ah, whatz-a-matter...scared of public school recruiting?
1) In the context of there being the distinction, some school boards would strongly desire to have the distinction.

2) "Availble" SES Approved.

3) The rules changes approval. All approvals for incoming students are approved by the Principal of the receiving school.

Would MSHSAA still exist?
1) In the context of there being the distinction, some school boards would strongly desire to have the distinction.

2) "Availble" SES Approved.

3) The rules changes approval. All approvals for incoming students are approved by the Principal of the receiving school.
Open Selective Enrollment.

Amendment to the MSHSAA rules:

1) Transferring for Athletic Reasons:
A student WILL BE eligible to compete at a new school if the transfer is for athletic reasons
(dislikes the coach at former school, hopes for more playing time at new school, chance to be on a better team, hoping for more “exposure”, etc).

2) Enrollment will be open to any available school within the state of Missouri.

3) Applications for outside district enrollment must be approved by the Principal of the receiving school. (NOTE: Of course, after review and approval by the coaching staff...)

To participate in this process, School Boards must declare their schools as Selective Enrollment Schools. (SES)

Private Schools (and public schools that opt for SES status) will all be considered (SES) schools for the purpose of interscholastic Competition.

Example: Football will have 5 classes: 1 to 5 for non-SES competition. 3 Classes for SES competition.

If your public school is good enough, has the right coaching staffs, are competitive enough, have the right facilities, then SES status is it.

Practical application:

Schools like Staley, Fort, Blue Springs, LSW, LSN, Liberty, Liberty North, would be likely to go SES.

Schools like NKC, Raytown South, Truman, William Chrisman. Not likely to go SES.


Maybe they should rate a team by the number of projected D1 players it has on the team? Assembling an All-Star team in class 3 for the most part made it unbeatable.
Maybe they should rate a team by the number of projected D1 players it has on the team? Assembling an All-Star team in class 3 for the most part made it unbeatable.

That drills down a little too much. I think use a multipliers for classification:

SES Public Schools 1.25
Private Schools 1.75
Just end all the BS, and put all private schools in their own category to compete for their own state championship, and go back to 4 classes of public schools. Public schools will quit whining about how "unfair" it is to play private schools, and if private schools don't like it then they better just recruit better..
Good luck with that, spanky. A year without a SWMO high school playing for a state championship in football doesn’t constitute an emergency for ADs in every other high school.

You guys are a gift that keeps on giving.
JN is a KC Metro guy, not SWMO. He hates SWMO as much as you. The gift you keep getting isn't just from SWMO. It's also from KC Metro, NWMO, and even from public schools in STL. Please direct your hatred at more than just SWMO.
Just end all the BS, and put all private schools in their own category to compete for their own state championship, and go back to 4 classes of public schools. Public schools will quit whining about how "unfair" it is to play private schools, and if private schools don't like it then they better just recruit better..

Why do private school supporters whine about public schools being able to recruit?
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Joey i dont typically agree with what you say but this would be a fun idea. Though i wish it woulf be full open enrollment cross district and cross state lines. “They” say our children should be given the best education possible then lock everyone in invisible boxes and say go here
Ah, whatz-a-matter...scared of public school recruiting?

Nope. I’ve already stated I think public schools in The State of Misery should have equal state funding and open enrollment. What I’M mocking is what drove you to this point and that you think MSHSAA cares about the anguished hurt in your butts. Besides, if it happened what would you all bitch about after football season ends?
That drills down a little too much. I think use a multipliers for classification:

SES Public Schools 1.25
Private Schools 1.75
I believe they already have a multiplayer in place. Still does not level the playing field when most of the players are D1 recruits. An advantage public schools do not have.
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Recruiting is already happening in public schools. Biggest example in saint louis is Kirkwood. Public school that has kids from all over saint louis. Other public schools do the same thing.

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