One of dumbest comparisons you've ever heard

she has be Kaepernicking in the Bay Area before it was a thing...

Don't you dare attack Kammy! I've heard the "strong woman" trope already. Any attack on the Kama betrays your sexism and racism.

What's really great about the media, is they're a fantastic communications organization for the Democratic party. All-day, yesterday, strong woman, today, strong woman, the next month strong woman.

The only reason to attack her is that she's a woman of color, and a woman.

Not that she's opportunistic authoritarian with a Chesire cat smile and wild leftist policies and she has a lack of good character and a terrible person.

It's pronounced KOMula, not CAM-ALA. Joe mispronounced her name. Joe Biden is a racist.
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One of the dumbest comparisons you've ever heard - trumpy comparing himself to Abraham Lincoln.

She compared a highly transmissible air-born pathogen to Ebola.

It would have been smarter to say Barack Obama and Biden prevented rhinoceros deaths.

There's plenty of other ways to criticize the pandemic response, like testing or something truthful. This was just a contrived lie.
I like this one better.

Sen. Kamala Harris:

Pres. Trump "inherited the longest economic expansion in history from Barack Obama and Joe Biden. And then, like everything else he inherited, he ran it straight into the ground."

Are there any fact-checkers on this? Is this 2017?

What a liar. Of course, there are no fact checks on this because Kamala Harris is a truth-

hah, hah, good one slow slap. Pandemic

Is she older than 4mos? You know, March? When we had 4% unemployment.

Didn't we spend 7 trillion?

7 trillion seems like a pretty robust response from the Federal Gov.
How much do you think the Fed has thrown in to prop up the stock market?

She used Ebola. A completely dissimilar disease.

A disease that is transmitted by bodily fluid in the face. Like puke, or touching diarrhea potty. Bahaha What a liar. This what she does.

She didn't use H1N1 where Obama Administration blew it and got lucky because it isn't as transmissible or as deadly overall as COVID. COVID being an unprecedented pandemic.

Spain France Germany all-seeing new spikes. Where's the fact checks?
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you guys really have not evolved at all.

Have any of you had a female boss? Good grief cave men.

Not one that had an affair with someone twice her age and used it to get ahead rather than on merit but hey she’s gonna get her silver medal..
Why is she opportunistic? When a con man who supported democrats for the longest time, and changed his own political affiliation five times and uses his office to enrich his own business (Mar a Lago) is not?

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