Ok with you.

Always said the media giving notoriety to these lunatics puts ideas in other lunatic's heads.
Looks like most have occurred under Obama's tenure....... Hummm, ..... And , NO, it's not alright with me.
Are you seriously blaming Obama for these?

Bush got blamed for anything that went wrong while he was president, but now when Obama is president, nothing is ever his fault.

I'm not blaming him, just pointing out the graph is.

It appears Obama, and his policies have a way of driving people crazy.:eek:
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Bush got blamed for anything that went wrong while he was president, but now when Obama is president, nothing is ever his fault.

I'm not blaming him, just pointing out the graph is.

It appears Obama, and his policies have a way of driving people crazy.:eek:
Just the racist repubs.
Bush got blamed for anything that went wrong while he was president, but now when Obama is president, nothing is ever his fault.

I'm not blaming him, just pointing out the graph is.

It appears Obama, and his policies have a way of driving people crazy.:eek:
Bush got blamed for 2 wars that he didn't budget for. A first war I think we all supported, but didn't appreciate not paying for. A second war not so much, because we left the first one unfinished for one that was not necessary and based on poor facts. He got blamed for a huge increase in debt for a Part D plan that added a lot to the debt without paying for it. Bush got blamed for ignoring the economy while trying to be a war president. He was also blamed for ignoring warnings about Al-Qaeda, and for being a fake rancher, spending a lot of time at the ranch.
Those are what he was blamed for not EVERYTHING! Anything you wish to say he should not be blamed for?
You are blaming Obama for crazy people with easy access to guns. Thank Reagan for putting the crazies out on the streets. Maybe it's not Obama, but some other source creating the crazy. Seems to be a few websites out there that are causing a lot of issues. Also, seems to be a news network out there, inflaming anger.
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Bush got blamed for anything that went wrong while he was president, but now when Obama is president, nothing is ever his fault.

I'm not blaming him, just pointing out the graph is.

It appears Obama, and his policies have a way of driving people crazy.:eek:
Bush gets criticized for things he actually had a hand in, like destroying the budget and going to Iraq without a real plan.
Just the racist repubs.

Virgina Tech - Seung-Hui Cho , no political affiliation mentioned
Fort Hood - Nidal Malik Hasal , muslim
Gifford shooting - Jared Lee Laughner , mental illness, no political affiliation mentioned
Aurora - James Holmes - mental illness, no political affiliation mentioned
Newtown - Adam Lanza - mental illness, no political affiliation mentioned
Navy Yard - Aaron Alexis - mental illness, no political affiliation mentioned.

Nice try
Bush got blamed for 2 wars that he didn't budget for. A first war I think we all supported, but didn't appreciate not paying for. A second war not so much, because we left the first one unfinished for one that was not necessary and based on poor facts. He got blamed for a huge increase in debt for a Part D plan that added a lot to the debt without paying for it. Bush got blamed for ignoring the economy while trying to be a war president. He was also blamed for ignoring warnings about Al-Qaeda, and for being a fake rancher, spending a lot of time at the ranch.
Those are what he was blamed for not EVERYTHING! Anything you wish to say he should not be blamed for?
You are blaming Obama for crazy people with easy access to guns. Thank Reagan for putting the crazies out on the streets. Maybe it's not Obama, but some other source creating the crazy. Seems to be a few websites out there that are causing a lot of issues. network out there, inflaming anger.
Bush got blamed for 2 wars that he didn't budget for. A first war I think we all supported, but didn't appreciate not paying for. A second war not so much, because we left the first one unfinished for one that was not necessary and based on poor facts. He got blamed for a huge increase in debt for a Part D plan that added a lot to the debt without paying for it. Bush got blamed for ignoring the economy while trying to be a war president. He was also blamed for ignoring warnings about Al-Qaeda, and for being a fake rancher, spending a lot of time at the ranch.
Those are what he was blamed for not EVERYTHING! Anything you wish to say he should not be blamed for?
You are blaming Obama for crazy people with easy access to guns. Thank Reagan for putting the crazies out on the streets. Maybe it's not Obama, but some other source creating the crazy. Seems to be a few websites out there that are causing a lot of issues. Also, seems to be a news network out there, inflaming anger.

Seriously, you are going to blame a news network for inflaming anger ?
Bush gets criticized for things he actually had a hand in, like destroying the budget and going to Iraq without a real plan.

The graph shows there are a lot more mass shootings when Obama is President.

If this graph showed there were more when Bush was President, would people not be blaming him? Answer honestly, you know it.
The graph shows there are a lot more mass shootings when Obama is President.

If this graph showed there were more when Bush was President, would people not be blaming him? Answer honestly, you know it.
I think Presidents get blame for plenty of things that aren't their fault.

But, for something like this, plenty of people wouldn't have done so, no. It's not like that many people are blaming Obama for this, because they get that these one-off incidents aren't something that the President is responsible for.

Further, Bush left so many easy ways to criticize him that his critics didn't have to grasp for these things.
Bush got blamed for 2 wars that he didn't budget for. A first war I think we all supported, but didn't appreciate not paying for. A second war not so much, because we left the first one unfinished for one that was not necessary and based on poor facts. He got blamed for a huge increase in debt for a Part D plan that added a lot to the debt without paying for it. Bush got blamed for ignoring the economy while trying to be a war president. He was also blamed for ignoring warnings about Al-Qaeda, and for being a fake rancher, spending a lot of time at the ranch.
Those are what he was blamed for not EVERYTHING! Anything you wish to say he should not be blamed for?
You are blaming Obama for crazy people with easy access to guns. Thank Reagan for putting the crazies out on the streets. Maybe it's not Obama, but some other source creating the crazy. Seems to be a few websites out there that are causing a lot of issues. Also, seems to be a news network out there, inflaming anger.
Well put.
Seriously, you are going to blame a news network for inflaming anger ?
Yes, watch it sometime. See if you don't come away mad, either because you believe the lies, or because you can't believe people believe those lies.
Yes, watch it sometime. See if you don't come away mad, either because you believe the lies, or because you can't believe people believe those lies.

I have stated I do not watch tv much.

I do however keep up with news on the computer. CNN, NBC, and FOX are the sites I visit the most, as well as some others.

CNN and NBC have a liberal slant and FOX has a conservative slant.

To which are you referring?
Not watching cable news opinion programming is one of the best things you can do for your mental health and for your political knowledge. I mean any of them.
LOL You know which, and give it a try sometime. Fox will make you sick.

Let me guess,

All the liberal news stations praise Obama and tell us how good the economy is doing and how people love Obamacare..............good

Fox holds Obama to the fire, says the economy is bad and people hate Obamacare........... bad

It would appear, as I have mentioned, both sides have bias. So you would have me believe every news outlet that praises liberal ideology is telling the truth, but the conservative news outlets are just lying?
Not watching cable news opinion programming is one of the best things you can do for your mental health and for your political knowledge. I mean any of them.

You seem to have very good knowledge of most topics. Where is a good place to get news, without the bias?
Let me guess,

All the liberal news stations praise Obama and tell us how good the economy is doing and how people love Obamacare..............good

Fox holds Obama to the fire, says the economy is bad and people hate Obamacare........... bad

It would appear, as I have mentioned, both sides have bias. So you would have me believe every news outlet that praises liberal ideology is telling the truth, but the conservative news outlets are just lying?
Actually professional fact checkers say Fox is lying. Just give them a watch sometime, and tell me they aren't.
You seem to have very good knowledge of most topics. Where is a good place to get news, without the bias?
It's hard. A lot of what you have to do is recognize bias and recognize when something is an opinion.

I get a lot from the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. I think they are the two best sources of information about national topics. I read the Economist and BBC for world news. I read STLToday for local news. If it's breaking news and I want to watch TV, I usually watch CNN. I see some interesting stuff from the Big Picture blog. I'll look at the headlines at politico and National Journal every day. There's a few other things I'm sure I'm missing but that's a fair amount already.

I think there's something to be said for seeing some ideas from both sides as well, just consider the sources and do a little digging on the facts. Be concerned about people who never cite sources from the other side or nonpartisan groups.
Liberal site, but just the fact that they tried to call this a war on religion issue than a race issue.

I have never watched "fox and friends", but when that segment was aired, they may have not had all the info, I don't know. They are obviously wrong, as it appears to no doubt be racial.

Maybe they were grasping at straws to make it about the "war on Christians" like the liberals try to make everything about the "war on women"?

If you think you get unbiased news from any of the lettered networks, that is naïve thinking.
To think Fox lies about all, and the others are without fault doesn't show good reasoning.
Let me guess,

All the liberal news stations praise Obama and tell us how good the economy is doing and how people love Obamacare..............good

Fox holds Obama to the fire, says the economy is bad and people hate Obamacare........... bad

It would appear, as I have mentioned, both sides have bias. So you would have me believe every news outlet that praises liberal ideology is telling the truth, but the conservative news outlets are just lying?
President Obama could crap golden eggs for everyone in the US and Fox would find fault about it. You will not ever find them to say ONE THING positive about the man. NOT ONE.
I have never watched "fox and friends", but when that segment was aired, they may have not had all the info, I don't know. They are obviously wrong, as it appears to no doubt be racial.

Maybe they were grasping at straws to make it about the "war on Christians" like the liberals try to make everything about the "war on women"?

If you think you get unbiased news from any of the lettered networks, that is naïve thinking.
To think Fox lies about all, and the others are without fault doesn't show good reasoning.
I am not saying the others are not liberal, but they do no intentionally lie.
President Obama could crap golden eggs for everyone in the US and Fox would find fault about it. You will not ever find them to say ONE THING positive about the man. NOT ONE.

I disagree Wildcat98,

If you read Bill O'Reilly, you would see that he disagrees with Obama a lot. But, he complIments him when he agrees with him.

When does the liberal news outlets compliment a conservative?