Oblabbers Speech at the John Lewis Memorial


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
Since we can dunk on people that die from COVID because they didn't wear a mask, are we allowed to criticize Oblabber's political speech at the John Lewis Memorial? Asking for a friend.

Not that Trump's tweet about elections doesn't tear away at Democracy either.
very well...

At a Memorial for a deadman that united our country and at the time Lewis protested held principles that were extraordinarily controversial but became the counter culture. Thank God. A culture of racial tolerance, racial understanding, and belief in MLKs dream.

LSD Hallucinations 101
The demagoguery of the highest order

BO went on to pretend that there is no difference between Bull Connor and fire hoses shot at John Lewis and federal officers, police officers attempting to fight riots, and looting in 2020. We've seen the footage, the rioters are mostly white avatars of his thinking. Like it hasn't been 60years. George Wallace? Really?

There's no evidence that Derek Chauvin knelt on George Floyd's neck out of racial animus. Not yet. That evidence may come.

There's not a single person that agrees with what Chauvin did is good, decent or justified, and non-jailable.

But to draw a direct line from Bull Connor to Derek Chauvin without any evidence whatsoever, or imply that what Derek Chauvin did was because in 2020 Chauvin adheres to Jim Crow law is utterly insane.

But the media thinks this is OK because they've decided long ago they are going to carry around drool cups for him.

Then Obama goes after the Filibuster. At a Memorial.

Obama said the Filibuster is a Jim Crow holdover. Really? Insane.

Which is pretty incredible since I remember Senator BO filibustered Samuel Alito.

Like 5 minutes ago, Democrats filibustered Tim Scott's justice reform bill.

I love how he pretends that DJT became president because he speaks in such an apolitical way.

Let's start developing (LSD) the malicious manipulation that is Barack Obama.


In an attempt to remind you that he was the most divisive President before Trump and Trump is the direct result of this, and the media gaslit him.

The media pretended he was a unifying force. They would cherry-pick his speeches with parts like, "we are not America, we are the United States of America" and ignore all the crap that suggested we were not United, and that racism was in our DNA.

Where he winked and nodded about the rioting in Ferguson and Baltimore. His speech was terrible. He was a terrible President and he's the worst ex-president in history.
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