Obama buried the news.

Neutron Monster

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2014
Nice job hiding the news that we're putting a woman on the $10 behind the church shooting and the Pope's letter on the environment.
That Obama. Hannity will have a cow allowing a woman on our currency. On another note, Caitlyn could be on a $10 bill. She is winning an ESPY.
That Obama. Hannity will have a cow allowing a woman on our currency. On another note, Caitlyn could be on a $10 bill. She is winning an ESPY.
Is it really that big a deal who is on our currency? I don't really care as long as it's not something totally ridiculous.

If I saw Ted Nugent on a $5, I'd laugh, not be fired up. Yeah, it would be dumb, but it's not important.

Personally, I think it'd be a great troll job to make a $1,000 Federal Reserve Note that says "not backed by gold" and put Ron Paul on it. Or, even better, mint the trillion dollar coin when the next debt ceiling debate comes up, and put GWB on it.

This Charleston, the emerging details are tough stuff to hear. They need to find this guy.
And a Supreme Court decision today where the majority was Breyer, Kagan, Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and THOMAS???

Has that ever happened before? And he joined the opinion, he didn't just concur!
And a Supreme Court decision today where the majority was Breyer, Kagan, Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and THOMAS???

Has that ever happened before? And he joined the opinion, he didn't just concur!
That surprises me! I would not think he would take that position. He is usually so staunchly conservative.

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