NRA backs Bill to Close Loophole



Senator John Cornyn introduced NRA backed bill to close the real loophole in background checks to make it easier and to provide an incentive to states that provide data,and withold funding from states that dont submit information on crazy people to federal database used for background checks.

Crazy people being allowed to legally get guns is something almost all gun owners will back. Bill needs to waive HIPAA privacy rules for it to make it easier for doctors and states to legally pass the information up the pipeline.
The problem, and it is a systematic problem, is in your heading, "NRA backs bill." This bill is not introduced without the backing of a special interest. This is a both sides of the aisle problem that ignores the average voter in the process.
The problem, and it is a systematic problem, is in your heading, "NRA backs bill." This bill is not introduced without the backing of a special interest. This is a both sides of the aisle problem that ignores the average voter in the process.

yep that be true

Only way around it is to have term limits on everyone elected in Waqshington. If the President, every representative and Senator were elected to a maximum of one 6 year term with a third being replaced every 2 years a lot of the special interest crap would stop. If they knew they could never run for federal office again they might vote their conscience instead of what their donors and lobyists want
yep that be true

Only way around it is to have term limits on everyone elected in Waqshington. If the President, every representative and Senator were elected to a maximum of one 6 year term with a third being replaced every 2 years a lot of the special interest crap would stop. If they knew they could never run for federal office again they might vote their conscience instead of what their donors and lobyists want
The sky is falling!!!!!!!!!
yep that be true

Only way around it is to have term limits on everyone elected in Waqshington. If the President, every representative and Senator were elected to a maximum of one 6 year term with a third being replaced every 2 years a lot of the special interest crap would stop. If they knew they could never run for federal office again they might vote their conscience instead of what their donors and lobyists want

Someone had to fund their campaign and the campaigns of their successors. This wouldn't help as much as you think that it would.

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