Nothing like that 5:30 in the morning call to tell you school is out


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2005
Home of the Cubs!!
All the school districts around us had canceled last night but no we had to wait and see if by some miracle happening between 7PM & 5;30AM that would make conditions better.
I am a little cranky and sleepy....
exact same thing in Branson. But in their defense, Last night I really thought there was a chance they would be able to go today.
Oh I understand...but still I have a 7 month at home and on those rare nights he sleeps threw it seems we get this stupid call at 5:30...can't win for losing.

My oldest daughter and her friends were out yesterday checking on the roads taking pictures and saying how bad they were and how they should not go to school. I pointed out the irony to her that they made it so it should be okay. She was like ohhh...
I loved snow days while I was in school. In Odessa, we had a lot of them due to all the country gravel roads and what not. Snow days always turned into a massive LAN party at my house. We would get four tvs, four Xboxs, and as many players as we could find and just play Halo, then burn the midnight oil. Everyone would bring chips, pop, or something and if we were lucky enough, someone would bring pizza. Then in college, I was lucky enough to get a few snow days but they just weren't the same.
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1. Get up earlier. 5:30 is for the birds.
2. STG won't have school this entire week.
Hey Raw, no I am not in education unless you count the 4 out of 5 kids I have that attend
Monett calls all students parents when school is canceled that is the call that was received. Which overall is pretty cool.
Bullit, I have to assume the "no school" issue is similar with Lamar. Often, the streets seem fine but we don't consider the rural routes that the buses must travel and the condition of those roads. It's my assumption that the decision to not have school is based on that criteria. I have to also assume that the risk is just too great for students on those buses, should something happen, when it is so cold. That being said, it didn't stop them from driving to Lamar for basketball games.

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